Configuring Ivanti Policy Secure with Pulse Workspace
Pulse Workspace is the Ivanti MDM server which provides the device compliance status for the mobile devices. Ivanti Policy Secure retrieves the device attributes from PWS and uses it for compliance assessments and role assignment.
To configure PWS MDM:
Select System > Configuration > Pulse One > Settings to register Ivanti Policy Secure with Pulse One.
Enter the PWS registration URL and registration code details and register Ivanti Policy Secure to PWS.
Click Save Changes.
The registration status and the notification channel status turns green if the connection is successful.
Select Authentication > Auth. Servers > New MDM Server. Enter the name, select Pulse Workspace as MDM and click Save changes.
Select Users > User Realms and select the Device Attribute server for PWS.
Select Role Mapping tab of the user realm to create role mapping rules. Configure the role mapping rules based on the PWS supported device attributes.