New Features

The following table describes the major features that are introduced in the corresponding release.



Release 22.7.2

No new features in this release.

Release 22.7.1

No new features in this release.

Release 22.6.1

Integrating NMDM with nZTA

This feature supports the compliance check for mobile devices during log-in and application access.

For detailed information, refer to Neurons for Zero Trust Access Tenant Admin Guide.

Release 22.5.1

Enhanced Host checker validation

An option for admin to enable enhanced host checker validation for an ISAC connection.

Derived credential support

This feature provides certificate based authentication support for VPN profiles where certificate is installed and managed by another application instead of physical smart cards.

Note: Use Ivanti Neurons for MDM (Ivanti EPMM and Ivanti MDM) and Entrust application as certificate provider.

Release 22.4.1

Device validation support for VoD and Per-App VPN

Ivanti Secure Access Client for Mobile supports Pre-Auth device ID validation with Ivanti Neurons for MDM (previously MobileIron Cloud) and Ivanti Endpoint Manager Mobile (previously MobileIron Core).

This feature requires ICS server running 9.1R18 and above.

Release 22.3.1

Dark theme support

Ivanti Secure Access Client Mobile iOS supports dark theme.

Updated voice over support

Ivanti Secure Access Client Mobile iOS supports voice over.

UI mode switching

Ivanti Secure Access Client Mobile iOS allows Ivanti Connect Secure to switch client UI mode between Classic and New-UX.

Release 22.2.1

Device ID Validation

This feature allows to read UDID from MDM application configuration and pass to Ivanti Connect Secure. On validation, Ivanti Connect Secure initiates authentication.

Noteworthy Information

In Release 22.7.2, DNS request handling is optimized to enhance the performance.

From 22.5R1, Ivanti Secure Access client allows to enroll and add a nZTA connection using "Add Connection" or delete a connection similar to other VPN connections.

ISAC 22.5.1 supports TLS1.2 encryption.

22.4.1 ISAC supports IFTTLS communication protocol instead of NCP.

From release 22.4 R1 onwards, the maximum number of split tunnel routes per tunnel for IOS is 1024. Routes beyond the said limit will be dropped. Please find more details in KB16725.

Re-writer on mobile devices is not supported. For more information refer KB44695.