New Features

The following table describes the major features that are introduced in the corresponding release.




Release 22.7R2

Embedded browser DNS resolution when TTL is minimal

For macOS, this feature ensures that embedded browser and client application gets same IP for the gateway and communicate FQDN to same gateway server.

To enable this feature, on installing the Ivanti Secure Access Client, run the following command:

defaults write net.pulsesecure.Pulse-Secure.plist EnableGWDnsCacheResponse-bool true

FQDN Split Tunneling with Traffic Enforcement

This feature enables strict enforcement of traffic routes using FQDN split-tunneling rules configured in the Ivanti Connect Secure.

Split DNS parity for nZTA gateways

On windows, this feature enables the DNS requests corresponding to a specific list of domains, sent to specific list of DNS servers through the corresponding virtual adapters.

Ensure that the ZTA gateway DNS server do not conflict with DNS servers of the virtual or physical adapter.

Display last login details

ISAC now displays the details of the last successful login. Under the Advanced Details tab in Connection Details, you can find the following three values related to the Last Login:

Last Login Time (Time and Date)

Last Login Device (hostname/FQDN)
This field is not available for browser login

Last Login Agent Type (OS details)

Default enabling of DNS caching

On windows, this feature enables DNS caching of VPN Gateway FQDN for SAML based embedded browser by default. For more information, refer Ivanti Secure Access ClientAdmin Guide.

Release 22.7R1

Select Session Command

The CLI provides an option to connect or cancel new sessions.

-sessionselection connect: Terminates the previous session and establishes a new session. When the maximum concurrent sessions are reached, the first session in the existing sessions will be terminated.

-sessionselection cancel : Maintains the previous session without establishing a new session. It is equivalent to not utilizing the sessionselection parameter.

CLI format: pulselauncher.exe -sessionselection <connect|cancel> -url <url_of_server> -u

<username> -p <password> -r <realm>

Support re-sizing of embedded browser

This feature allows the user to set the default size of the embedded browser as small or large.

Configurable MTU Size

This feature allows administrators to configure the MTU size on the gateway.

The default value is set to 1400, the values can range from 576 to 1500.

Release 22.6R1

EdgeWebView2 support for nZTA

EdgewebView2 is used as the embedded browser on nZTA connections for SAML authentication and End-user portal.

Single Sign-On for the nZTA connections (using the same Idp as windows), enhances end-user experience.

Network Manager support on Debian Linux Client

Network Manager is supported on ISAC clients running on Linux OS.

This feature uses Network manager service to set DNS server and domains without modifying the configuration file.

Support on Windows 11 23H2

Ivanti Secure Access Client now supports Windows 11 Windows 23H2 (OS Build 22631.2506)

Support on macOS 14 Sonoma

Ivanti Secure Access Client now supports macOS 14 Sonoma.

Release 22.5R1

End User Portal Auto launch Suppression

An option for admin to control the auto launch of the End User Portal.

On nZTA controller configure the option under Managed Devices --> Global Device Preferences --> Application control.

Enhanced Host checker validation

An option for admin to enable enhanced host checker validation for an ISAC connection.

Release 22.3R3
No new features in this release.
Release 22.3R2
No new features in this release.
Release 22.3R1

Support on Windows 11 22H2

Ivanti Secure Access Client now supports Windows 11 22H2

Support on Windows 10 22H2

Ivanti Secure Access Client now supports Windows 10 22H2

Support on macOS 13 Ventura

Ivanti Secure Access Client now supports macOS 13 Ventura.

Support on Ubuntu 22.04

Ivanti Secure Access Client now supports Ubuntu 22.04.

Embedded browser DNS resolution when TTL is minimal

This feature ensures that embedded browser and client application gets same IP for the gateway and communicate FQDN to same gateway server.

Release 22.2R1

Edge as External Browser

Ivanti Secure Access Client uses Microsoft Edge as external browser by default on all Windows platforms.

FIDO2 Password less Support

Ivanti Secure Access Client uses Microsoft Edge WebView2 based Embedded browser, on all Windows platforms, for Captive portal, SAML, Custom sign-in, and SAML Single Logout (SLO). The embedded browser also supports FIDO2 passwordless Authentication.

Ivanti recommends to download the Evergreen Bootstrapper software and run it on the endpoints. Software Download available at:

PSAL Browser Extension

This feature allows communication through browser extension instead of PSAL custom protocol. The browser extension allows to communicate to native host application installed on the client machine. The combination of native host application with the browser extension serves as the Pulse Secure Application Launcher (PSAL).

Replace OpenSSL FIPS module with wolfEngine/wolfSSL

OpenSSL FIPS module is now replaced with wolfSSL through wolfEngine. This feature allows single client installer for FIPS and non-FIPS users.

Debian 11 qualification

Ivanti Secure Access Client is qualified on Debian 11 platform.

Ivanti Secure Access Client upgrade through browser

This feature allows administrators to control role level auto upgrade of Ivanti Secure Access Client on browsers.