Detailed Connection Status Messages

Error Code

Category/Type of Error


0 kMsgCommonErrOk Success. Operation succeeded.
1 kMsgCommonErrFailure General failure. Try the operation again. If the problem persists, contact your network administrator.
2 kMsgCommonErrConnection Internal IPC connection has failed. Try the operation again or even restarting themachine. If the problem persists, contact your network administrator.
3 kMsgCommonErrUnimplemented Command or feature is unimplemented Contact your network administrator.
4 kMsgCommonErrParameter Parameter is invalid. Try the operation again. If the problem persists, contact your network administrator.
5 kMsgCommonErrInvalidHandle Invalid handle. Try the operation again. If the problem persists, restart your system.
6 kMsgCommonErrBufferSize Supplied buffer is too small. Try the operation again. If the problem persists, restart your system.
7 kMsgCommonErrOutOfMemory Out of memory Try the operation again. If the problem persists, try freeing up some memory by closing unwanted applications. If the problem still persists, then restart your system.
8 kMsgCommonErrNotStarted IO subsystem was not started. Try the operation again. If the problem persists, restart your system.
9 kMsgCommonErrUnknownCommand Service received an unknown command. Try the operation again. If the problem persists, restart your system.
10 kMsgCommonErrIoSystem IO sub system has generally malfunctioned. Try the operation again. If the problem persists, restart your system.
11 kMsgCommonErrNotFound Request item is not found. Try the operation again. If the problem persists, contact your network administrator.
12 kMsgCommonErrAlreadyExists Request entity already exists. Try the operation again. If the problem persists, contact your network administrator.
13 kMsgCommonErrAlreadyStarted Request entity was already started. Try the operation again. If the problem persists, contact your network administrator.
14 kMsgCommonErrInvalidService Entity has an invalid code signing signature. Contact your network administrator.
15 kMsgCommonErrCancelled Operation canceled. Try the operation again. If the problem persists, contact your network administrator.
16 kMsgCommonErrShutdown Connection has been shutdown. The server has reset the connection. You must login again to reconnect.
1100 kMsgIveAMErrInstanceAlreadyInUse Instance already in use.
1101 kMsgIveAMErrLoadingStore Failed to load store. Restart your system. If the problem persists, contact your network administrator.
1102 kMsgIveAMErrLoadConnection Failed to load connection.Retry the operation. If the problem persists, contact your network administrator.
1103 kMsgIveAMErrRetrieveURI Could not retrieve Uniform Resource Identifier (URI).Retry the operation. If the problem persists, contact your network administrator.
1104 kMsgIveAMErrInitiateConnect Failed to initiate the connection.Retry the operation. If the problem persists, contact your network administrator.
1105 kMsgIveAMErrConnectingChannel Error connecting channel.Error Connecting channel (stage: {0}, error: {1}).
1106 kMsgIveAMErrAccessMethod ; generic access method connection errorError {0} provisioning access method connection.
1107 kMsgIveAMErrInvalidCertificate Invalid server certificate. Server certificate validation failed. If you are certain that this is a valid destination, click Retry to continue. Otherwise, click Close and contact your network administrator.
1108 kMsgIveAMErrConnectionFailed Connection failed.Retry the operation. If the problem persists, contact your network administrator.
1109 kMsgIveAMErrSessionExpired Session expired.Your connection to the network has expired due to inactivity. Please log in again to establish connectivity.
1110 kMsgIveAMErrProtocol Unable to communicate with the server. The server can't respond to Ivanti Secure Access networking requests.This could be due to the server being down, or connecting to a server that's not an Ivanti Secure Access server.If this condition persists, please contact your administrator.
1111 kMsgIveAMErrHostUnknown Host not found. Hostname could not be resolved using the Domain Name System (DNS). Please try again. If your system allows you to edit your connections and you know the destination's IP address, try this connection using the IP address. If the problem persists, contact your network administrator.
1112 kMsgIveAMErrPulseSubsystem Ivanti Secure Access sub-system error.Retry the operation. If the problem persists, contact your network administrator.
1113 kMsgIveAMErrCancelled Canceled. The operation has been canceled.
1114 kMsgIveAMErrAuthentication Authentication error. Retry the operation. Make sure you are using current credentials. If you recently changed your password and Ivanti Secure Access is using saved settings, you must use the Forget Saved Settings feature to be prompted again for your login credentials.
1115 kMsgIveAMErrNetwork Network error. Network errors can be caused by temporary conditions such as an invalid IP address, a server not available, and so on. Please try the operation again. Restart your system and try the operation again. If the problem persists, contact your network administrator.
1116 kMsgIveAMErrServer Server error. The server is not available. Please try again later. If the problem persists, contact your network administrator.
1117 kMsgIveAMErrUIPromptFailed UI prompt failed. Please try the operation again. If the problem persists, contact your network administrator.
1118 kMsgIveAMErrUIPromptTimedout UI prompt timed-out. Please try the operation again.
1119 kMsgIveAMErrNoProxy Proxy not available. The proxy system is not currently available. Please try again later. If the problem persists, contact your network administrator.
1120 kMsgIveAMErrConnectionClosed Connection closed. The server has reset this connection. You must login again to establish connectivity.
1121 kMsgIveAMErrVLANChange VLAN Hash changed VLAN Hash changed to {0}.
1122 kMsgIveAMErrCompliance Endpoint is out of compliance. Access was refused because your system does not meet security requirements. Some issues can be fixed automatically, and then you can try the login again. For other issues, please click the link to see the actions you can take to resolve the issue.
1123 kMsgSuspendForUpdate Connection suspended for component upgrade The Connection has been temporarily terminated to allow the system to update components.The connection will resume when the update is complete.
1133 kMsgIveAMNetworkUnreachable Network unreachable Network unreachable
1134 kMsgIveAMErrSAAccessMethodLoaded Too many remote access methods The server attempted to configure more than one remote access method, when only one is allowed.Please contact your administrator.
1135 kMsgIveAMErrSAAccessMethodLoadedOtherInstance Remote access already provided by another connection. The connection attempted to provide remote access services, however, another connection is already providing remote access.Disconnect the other connection and try again.
1136 kMsgIveAMErrTransport Unable to load communication module. Failed to load the communication module.Check the Ivanti Secure Access Client installation, and try again.
1137 kMsgIveAMSessionTerminated Login session terminated by server. Your login session has been terminated.Please log in again.
1138 kMsgIveAMSessionTimeout Login session expired. Your login session has been expired by the server.Please log in again.
1139 kMsgIveAMSessionRoleChange Access options have changed. The server has requested that your remote access method be changed.You will be reconnected automatically.
1140 kMsgIveAMConnectionRouteChange The network route to server has changed. The network route to the server has changed.You will be reconnected automatically.
1143 kMsgIveAMCaptivePortal Network access restricted by hotspot. A captive portal hotspot may be restricting your network access. You may need to use a browser to log on to the hotspot before Ivanti Secure Access can connect. This problem could also be caused by connecting to a server that's not an Ivanti Secure Access server.
1144 kMsgIveAMErrMinimumClientVersionViolation Restricted Ivanti Secure Access Client version. This version of Ivanti Secure Access Client is not allowed to connect. Please upgrade the client or contact your administrator.
1145 kMsgIveAMErrClientCertificateNotFound Client certificate error. Client certificate error. If you are certain that you have valid client certificate, click Retry to continue. Otherwise, click Close and contact your network administrator.
1146 kMsgIveAMErrClientCertificateRevoke Client Certificate Revoked. Client Certificate Revoked. Please delete the connection and enroll again to continue using the ZTA connection.
1147 kMsgIveAMErrClientCertificateInvalid Invalid Client Certificate. Please contact your network administrator.
1148 kMsgIveAMErrServerOverLoad Server busy, please try again later. Server is busy and is unable to accept new connection requests right now.
1149 kMsgIveAMErrZTAFullTunnelLoadedOtherInstance ZTA connection is running as App discovery mode. Please disconnect ZTA connection to continue on this connection.
1150 kMsgIveAMErrHostUnknown_ZTA Host not found. Hostname could not be resolved using Domain Name System (DNS). If it doesn't reconnect automatically, retry manually. If the problem still persists, contact your network administrator.
1151 kMsgIveAMErrNetwork_ZTA Network error. Network errors can be caused by temporary conditions such as an invalid IP address, server not available, etc. If it doesn't reconnect automatically, retry manually. If the problem still persists, contact your network administrator.
1152 kMsgIveAMErrIpSecNotSupported Connection type not supported IPSec enforcement is not supported in this client.Please contact your network administrator for further information.
1200 kMsgIveAMErrInstanceAlreadyConnected Multiple secure connections attempted.Network policies support only one secure connection at a time. To create a new secure connection, you must first disconnect your current secure connection.
1201 kMsgNcAMErrInstanceAlreadyStarting Another secure session is connecting.
1202 kMsgNcAMErrInstanceDisconnecting Another secure session is disconnecting.
1203 kMsgNcAMErrGetUserContext Failed to get user context. Please try the operation again. If the problem persists, contact your network administrator.
1204 kMsgNcAMErrGetProxyInfo Failed to get proxy info. Please try the operation again. If the problem persists, contact your network administrator.
1205 kMsgNcAMErrSetupVA Failed to setup virtual adapter.Restart your system and try again. If the problem persists, contact your network administrator.
1206 kMsgNcAMErrSendMessage Failed to send message to the access method. Restart your system and try again. If the problem persists, contact your network administrator.
1207 kMsgNcAMErrSetupHosts Failed to configure hosts file. Restart your system and try again. If the problem persists, contact your network administrator.
1208 kMsgNcAMErrToggleDNS Failed to restart DNS service. Restart your system and try again. If the problem persists, contact your network administrator.
1209 kMsgNcAMErrSetIEProxy Failed to setup IE proxy. Restart your system and try again. If the problem persists, contact your network administrator.
1210 kMsgNcAMSetFFProxy Failed to setup Firefox proxy. Restart your system and try again. If the problem persists, contact your network administrator.
1211 kMsgNcAMErrDiffConfig Different NC config, disconnect. New NC config is different than the older one. Will disconnect.
1212 kMsgNcAMErrRouteMonitor NC route conflict detected, disconnect. There is a route conflict detected in the routing table. Will disconnect.
1213 kMsgNcAMErrUnknownMsg Remote access failed unexpectedly, retrying connection. There was an unexpected error from the remote access service.The connection will disconnect and retry.
1214 kMsgNcAMErrEspOnlyFailed Fallback to SSL disabled by administrator The ipsec connection to the server failed, and fallback to SSL is disabled by the administrator.The connection will be retried.
1215 kMsgNcAMErrEspOnlyThroughProxy ESP-only connection through web proxy is not supported The ESP connection to the server through web proxy is not supported, and fallback to SSL is disabled by the administrator.
1216 kMsgNcAMErrMD5NotAllowedInFIPSMode MD5 not allowed in FIPS mode MD5 hash for ESP is not allowed when client is running with FIPS mode enabled. Please contact your network administrator.
1217 kMsgNcAMErrClientIPConflict Tunnel IP conflict detected, disconnect. Tunnel IP of this connection is conflicting with an already established Classic or ZTA GW connection Tunnel IP. You can try again. If the problem persists, contact your network administrator.
1251 kMsgSamAMLegacyWSAMFound WSAM is running. WSAM is already running. Please stop WSAM and try again.
1252 kMsgSamAMErrJnprTdiInstall jnprTdi driver is not installed. Please re-install Ivanti Secure Access Client and try again. If the problem persists, contact your network administrator.
1253 kMsgSamAMErrJnprTdiStart Failed to start jnprTdi driver. Restart your system and try again. If the problem persists, contact your network administrator.
1254 kMsgSamAMErrJnprTdiOpen Failed to open jnprTdi device. Restart your system and try again. If the problem persists, contact your network administrator.
1255 kMsgSamAMErrRebootRequired A system reboot is required. A system reboot is required for SAM Access method. Please reboot your system.
1256 kMsgSamErrInitFailed Failed to initialize SAM Access Method. Please try again. If the problem persists, contact your network administrator.
1257 kMsgSamErrIVEHostNotFound Failed to resolve host. Hostname could not be resolved using the Domain Name System (DNS). Please try again.
1258 kMsgSamErrNetworkPolicyChanged One of the interface has changed. One of the interface has changed. You will be reconnected automatically.
1259 kMsgSamErrInitFailedSysExtAccept Failed to initialize SAM. Navigate to System Preferences and allow Ivanti Secure Access System Extension and Proxy Configuration.
1260 kMsgSamErrInitFailedSysExtNotSupported Failed to initialize SAM. SAM is not supported on your computer's operating system.
1261 kMsgIveAMErrClientCACertificateInvalid Invalid Client CA Certificate. Invalid/Missing Client CA certificate. Please contact your network administrator.
1700 kMsgCommonCertTrustNoError No error found for this certificate or chain. The network resource for this connection has been verified and can be trusted.
1701 kMsgCommonCertTrustIsNotTimeValid This certificate or one of the certificates in the certificate chain is not time valid. The system time on your endpoint may be incorrect, the certificate may have expired, or the time of the system that signed the certificate might have been incorrect. Verify that the clock on your computer is accurate. If your computer clock is accurate, then network resource for this connection cannot be verified. Contact your network administrator.
1702 kMsgCommonCertTrustIsNotTimeNested Certificates in the chain are not properly time nested.This message indicates that the certificate chain is corrupted or otherwise unreliable. The network resource for this connection cannot be verified. Contact your network administrator.
1703 kMsgCommonCertTrustIsRevoked Trust for this certificate or one of the certificates in the certificate chain has been revoked.The network resource for this connection cannot be verified. Contact your network administrator.
1704 kMsgCommonCertTrustIsNotSignatureValid The certificate or one of the certificates in the certificate chain does not have a valid signature. The network resource for this connection cannot be verified. Contact your network administrator.
1705 kMsgCommonCertTrustIsNotValidForUsage The certificate or certificate chain is not valid for its proposed usage. This status message indicates that the certificate is not properly enabled for use in the current application. The network resource for this connection cannot be verified. Contact your network administrator.
1706 kMsgCommonCertTrustIsUntrustedRoot The certificate or certificate chain is based on an untrusted root.The network resource for this connection cannot be verified. Contact your network administrator.
1707 kMsgCommonCertTrustRevocationStatusUnknown The revocation status of the certificate or one of the certificates in the certificate chain is unknown. Before accepting a certificate, the system must make sure that the certificate has not been revoked. The system cannot verify that the certificate is valid. Contact your network administrator.
1708 kMsgCommonCertTrustIsCyclic One of the certificates in the chain was issued by a certificate authority that the original certificate had certified. The system cannot verify that the certificate is valid. Contact your network administrator.
1709 kMsgCommonCertTrustInvalidExtension One of the certificates has an extension that is not valid. The system cannot verify that the certificate is valid. Contact your network administrator.
1710 kMsgCommonCertTrustInvalidPolicyConstraints The certificate or certificate chain has a policy constraints extension. The system cannot verify that the certificate is valid. Contact your network administrator.
1711 kMsgCommonCertTrustInvalidBasicConstraints The certificate or certificate chain has a basic constraints extension. The system cannot verify that the certificate is valid. Contact your network administrator.
1712 kMsgCommonCertTrustInvalidNameConstraints The certificate or one of the certificates in the certificate chain has a name constraints extension that is not valid. The system cannot verify that the certificate is valid. Contact your network administrator.
1713 kMsgCommonCertTrustHasNotSupportedNameConstraint The certificate or one of the certificates in the certificate chain has a name constraints extension that contains unsupported fields. The system cannot verify that the certificate is valid. Contact your network administrator.
1714 kMsgCommonCertTrustHasNotDefinedNameConstraint The certificate or one of the certificates in the certificate chain has a name constraints extension and a name constraint is missing for one of the name choices in the end certificate. The system cannot verify that the certificate is valid. Contact your network administrator.
1715 kMsgCommonCertTrustHasNotPermittedNameContraint The certificate or one of the certificates in the certificate chain has a name constraints extension, and there is not a permitted name constraint for one of the name choices in the end certificate. The system cannot verify that the certificate is valid. Contact your network administrator.
1716 kMsgCommonCertTrustHasExcludedNameConstraint The certificate or one of the certificates in the certificate chain has a name constraints extension, and one of the name choices in the end certificate is explicitly excluded. The system cannot verify that the certificate is valid. Contact your network administrator.
1717 kMsgCommonCertTrustIsPartialChain The certificate chain is not complete.The system cannot verify that the certificate is valid. Contact your network administrator.
1718 kMsgCommonCertTrustCtlIsNotTimeValid A Certificate Trust List used to create this chain was not time valid. The system cannot verify that the certificate is valid. Contact your network administrator.
1719 kMsgCommonCertTrustCtlIsNotSignatureValid A Certificate Trust List used to create this certificate chain did not have a valid signature. The system cannot verify that the certificate is valid. Contact your network administrator.
1720 kMsgCommonCertTrustCtlIsNotValidForUsage A Certificate Trust List used to create this chain is not valid for this usage. The system cannot verify that the certificate is valid. Contact your network administrator.
1725 kMsgCommonCertTrustIsOfflineRevocation The revocation servers for end certificate or its chain certificates are offine. Try the operation again. If the problem persists, contact your network administrator.
1726 kMsgCommonCertTrustNoIssuanceChainPolicy The end certificate does not any issuance policy. The system cannot verify that the certificate is valid. Contact your network administrator.
1727 kMsgCommonCertTrustIsExplicitDistrust The end certificate is explicitly not trusted. The system cannot verify that the certificate is valid. Contact your network administrator.
1728 kMsgCommonCertHasNotSupportedCriticalExt The end certificate has a unsupported critical extension. The system cannot verify that the certificate is valid. Contact your network administrator.
1730 kMsgCommonCertTrustPulseCertificateError Long-desc=Certificate Error0
1731 kMsgCommonCertTrustPulseAuthServerIdentityNotFound Authentication server not trusted. Authentication server identity not found in client's "Trusted Server List". Contact your network administrator.
1732 kMsgCommonCertTrustPulseDoesntMatch The certificate name does not match the server you are trying to connect to. All certificates contain the name of the server to insure that your connection has not been compromised. If you are accessing a server with a different name, this warning will appear. If you are in a location where it is possible that your network connection is compromised, then please contact your administrator to make sure that the server thumbprint is correct.
1733 kMsgUISmartcardPinError Incorrect PIN. Please be careful when re-entering the PIN because if you exceed the retry count you will lock the token.
1734 kMsgUISmartcardBlockedError Smartcard blocked. Please contact the administrator for unblocking the smartcard.
1950 kMsgIntegrationAMStatusAutoConnect Auto connection in progress . The network is attempting to connect automatically based on configuration settings.
1951 kMsgIntegrationAMStatusCancellingConnect Cancelling connection . Cancelling the attempt to connect the network.
1952 kMsgIntegrationAMStatusLinkSensed Medium detected. The physical network medium has been detected.
1953 kMsgIntegrationAMStatusLinkConnecting Connecting to medium . Attempting to connect to the physical network medium.
1954 kMsgIntegrationAMStatusLinkConnected Connected to medium. Connected to the physical network medium.
1955 kMsgIntegrationAMStatusWaitingForKey Waiting for network key . Waiting for the user to input the network configuration key.
1956 kMsgIntegrationAMStatusWaitingForCredentials Waiting for user credentials . Waiting on the user to input their login credentials.
1957 kMsgIntegrationAMStatusAuthenticating Authenticating . Attempting to authenticate the user credentials with the network.
1958 kMsgIntegrationAMStatusReauthenticating Retrying authentication . Attempting to authenticate the user credentials with the network again.
1959 kMsgIntegrationAMStatusDetectingVenue Detecting venue . Detecting network venue.
1960 kMsgIntegrationAMStatusWaitingForUserConsent Waiting for user consent . Waiting on the user to accept a consensual agreement.
1961 kMsgIntegrationAMStatusDetectingInternet Detecting Internet . Attempting to detect the Internet on the network.
1962 kMsgIntegrationAMStatusLoggingOff Logging off . Logging the user out of the network.
1963 kMsgIntegrationAMStatusLoggedOff Logged off. The user is logged off of the network.
1964 kMsgIntegrationAMStatusLinkDisconnecting Disconnecting from medium . Disconnecting from the physical network medium.
3000 kMsgPCLConnected Connected. Pulse connected to the server.
3001 kMsgPCLInvalidParameter Invalid arguments. Invalid arguments have been specified.
3002 kMsgPCLConnectError Connection error. Connection error.
3003 kMsgPCLConnectedWithError Connected with error. Pulse connection established with error.
3004 kMsgPCLConnectedNotExist connection does not exist. connection does not exist.
3005 kMsgPCLCancelled Cancelled. Pulse connection cancelled by user.
3006 kMsgPCLCertError Invalid client certificate. Invalid client certificate.
3007 kMsgPCLTimeout Timeout. Pulse connection timeout.
3008 kMsgPCLNoUserConnection User connection not allowed. Pulse connection has failed, user connection not allowed.
3009 kMsgPCLNoPolicyOverride Policy override not allowed. Pulse connection has failed, policy override not allowed.
3010 kMsgPCLNotRunning Pulse is not running. Pulse is not running.
3011 kMsgPCLDisconnected Pulse disconnected. Pulse disconnected.
3012 kMsgPCLExited Pulse has exited. Pulse has exited.
3020 kMsgPCLAlreadyConnected Already connected. Pulse is already connected to the server.
3021 kMsgPCLAlreadyDisconnected Already disconnected. Pulse is already disconnected from the server.
3022 kMsgPCLSuspended Suspended. Connection has been suspended.
3023 kMsgPCLAlreadySuspended Already suspended. Connection is already suspended.
3024 kMsgPCLResumed Resumed. Connection has been resumed.
3025 kMsgPCLInvalidActionForConnState Invalid operation for current connection state. Operation cannot be performed during current state of the connection.
3100 kMsgPCLGenericError Unexpected error. Unexpected error.