PCS/PPS Configurations Using REST APIs
Getting Active Sessions
Request Fetch default number of active sessions (default=200) curl -k -u <api-key>: https://<pcs-ip>/api/v1/system/active-users Example: curl -k -u K7Z7xA54AKnv1++kcViamCCiUrEBgMSP+sHKar4EcKY=: Fetch specified number of active sessions curl -k -u <api-key>: https://<pcs-ip>/api/v1/system/active-users?number=<number> Example: curl -k -u K7Z7xA54AKnv1++kcViamCCiUrEBgMSP+sHKar4EcKY=: Response Content-Type: application/json { "active-users": { "active-user-records": { "active-user-record": [ { "active-user-name": "user1", "agent-type": "Windows 8.1 Google Chrome", "authentication-realm": "localrealm", "endpoint-security-status": "Not Applicable\nPassed Policies: \nFailed Policies: \nEliminated Roles: ", "events": 0, "login-node": "localhost2", "network-connect-ip": null, "network-connect-transport-mode": null, "session-id": "sidb03b1e971b7ebe163bb70c966a8ae2b50767aae300000000", "pulse-client-version": "", "user-roles": "localrealm", "user-sign-in-time": "2018/08/23 11:45:40" }, { "active-user-name": "user2", "agent-type": "Windows 7 Google Chrome", "authentication-realm": "localrealm", "endpoint-security-status": "Not Applicable\nPassed Policies: \nFailed Policies: \nEliminated Roles: ", "events": 0, "login-node": "localhost2", "network-connect-ip": null, "network-connect-transport-mode": null, "session-id": "sid68377b6249d24784edfdd07edfe61ee9934b556100000000", "user-roles": "localrealm", "user-sign-in-time": "2018/08/23 11:46:15" } ] }, "total-matched-record-number": 2, "total-returned-record-number": 2, "user-login-permission": true } } |
Getting Particular Active Session Details
Request curl -k -u <api-key>: https://<pcs-ip>/api/v1/system/active-users?name=user2 Example: curl -k -u K7Z7xA54AKnv1++kcViamCCiUrEBgMSP+sHKar4EcKY=: Response
Content-Type: application/json { "active-users": { "active-user-records": { "active-user-record": [ { "active-user-name": "user2", "agent-type": "Windows 7 Google Chrome", "authentication-realm": "localrealm", "endpoint-security-status": "Not Applicable\nPassed Policies: \nFailed Policies: \nEliminated Roles: ", "events": 0, "login-node": "localhost2", "network-connect-ip": null, "network-connect-transport-mode": null, "session-id": "sid68377b6249d24784edfdd07edfe61ee9934b556100000000", "user-roles": "localrealm", "user-sign-in-time": "2018/08/23 11:46:15" } ] }, "total-matched-record-number": 1, "total-returned-record-number": 1, "user-login-permission": true } } |
Deleting a Particular Active Session
Request curl -k -u <api-key>: https://<pcs-ip>/api/v1/system/active-users/session/sid6dc167193b66fef812ef3fdba62729e53f8499f0c25df3be -X DELETE Example: curl -k -u K7Z7xA54AKnv1++kcViamCCiUrEBgMSP+sHKar4EcKY=: -X DELETE Response HTTP/1.1 204 NO CONTENT Content-Length: 0 Content-Type: application/json |
Deleting All Active Sessions
Request curl -k -u <api-key>: https://<pcs-ip>/api/v1/system/active-users?all -X DELETE Example: curl -k -u K7Z7xA54AKnv1++kcViamCCiUrEBgMSP+sHKar4EcKY=: -X DELETE Response HTTP/1.1 204 NO CONTENT Content-Length: 0 Content-Type: application/json |
Querying Set of Leased Licenses in the License Server System
Request GET /api/v1/license/license-server-lease-information HTTP/1.1 Host: Authorization: Basic c2czWUJmc1lyUjcwN2daSFh6RHdqME1YSnNhdDZmcXlaOVZKNFNSdStaZz06 Content-Type: application/json Response HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: 2210 Content-Type: application/json { "leased-license-counts": { "features": { "feature": [ { "clients": { "client-info": [ { "leased-count": 0, "name": "client1" } ] }, "name": "Advanced Mobile License - Onboarding", "total-count": 0 }, { "clients": { "client-info": [ { "leased-count": 0, "name": "client1" } ] }, "name": "Cloud Secure feature", "total-count": 0 }, { "clients": { "client-info": [ { "leased-count": 0, "name": "client1" } ] }, "name": "Concurrent Meeting Users", "total-count": 0 }, { "clients": { "client-info": [ { "leased-count": 200, "name": "client1" }, { "leased-count": 0, "name": "client2" } ] ], "name": "Concurrent Users", "total-count": 200 }, { "clients": { "client-info": [ { "leased-count": 0, "name": "client1" } ] }, "name": "Named Users", "total-count": 0 }, { "clients": { "client-info": [ { "leased-count": 0, "name": "client1" } ] }, "name": "Premier Java Remote Desktop Applet", "total-count": 0 } ] }, "machine-id": "VASPMVKIT1NJNFPPS", "query-summary": {}, "release-info": { "build-number": "10124", "version": "9.0" }, "serial-number": null, "signature": "HMx/W0VhDAABAAAApoB/uSUYcwJSlk7HeXVMXK6+KsIPTrJnjXrUci "time-stamp": "Fri Aug 24 14:43:00 2018" } } |
Pulling State from a License Server on a License Client
Request PUT /api/v1/license/license-client-lease-state HTTP/1.1 Host: Authorization: Basic OWZBcVNKUkRCcEdjSEVQY3A0aDZ2UnFwdjhXbExIYzUxRS91TVU1VnBnMD06 Content-Type: application/json {
} While using above URL (i.e., license-client-lease-state) by PUT operation, we provide empty JSON body as input, because PUT operation expects JSON body. Response HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: 86 Content-Type: application/json { "result": { "info": [ { "message": "Success" } ] } } |
Configuring Certificates based on CSR Workflow
Request POST /api/v1/system/certificates/device-certificates HTTP/1.1 Host: Authorization: Basic aWZuM2VmZVZTRU9YNVZkVVZ3eFpiYWdob3VCTndxZEkyaExubUcyVU5ibz06 Content-Type: application/json { "cert":"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", "password": <certifcicate_password>, "internal-interfaces": { "internal-interface" : ["<Internal Port>", "vport1"] }, "external-interfaces": { "external-interface" : ["<External Port>"] }, "management-interface": true } Response HTTP/1.1 201 CREATED Content-Length: 112 Content-Type: application/json { "result": { "info": [ { "message": "Operation successfully completed." } ] } } |
Creating a CSR for a Device Certificate
Request POST /api/v1/system/certificates/device-certificate-csrs HTTP/1.1 Host: Authorization: Basic aWZuM2VmZVZTRU9YNVZkVVZ3eFpiYWdob3VCTndxZEkyaExubUcyVU5ibz06 Content-Type: application/json { "subject-common-name": "QA.pcs.company.com", "key-type": "ECDSA", "ecc-curve": "P-384" } Response HTTP/1.1 201 OK Content-Length: 266 Content-Type: application/json { "result": { "info": [ { "message": "Created CSR 'CSR_164' successfully" }, { "message": "Use POST /api/v1/system/certificates/device-certificate-csrs/CSR_164/certificate to upload the signed certificate" } ] } } |
Deleting Device Certificate by Its Subject Name
Request DELETE /api/v1/system/certificates/device-certificates/srikrsa.test.saqacertserv.com HTTP/1.1 Host: Authorization: Basic aWZuM2VmZVZTRU9YNVZkVVZ3eFpiYWdob3VCTndxZEkyaExubUcyVU5ibz06 Content-Type: application/json Response HTTP/1.1 204 NO CONTENT Content-Length: 0 Content-Type: application/json |
Getting System Information
Request GET /api/v1/system/system-information HTTP/1.1 Host: Authorization: Basic aWZuM2VmZVZTRU9YNVZkVVZ3eFpiYWdob3VCTndxZEkyaExubUcyVU5ibz06 Content-Type: application/json Response HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: 193 Content-Type: application/json { "rollback-partition-information": { "build": "2330", "os-name": "ive-sa", "os-version": "9.1R2" }, "software-inventory": { "software": { "build": "4520", "name": "IVE-OS", "type": "operating-system", "version": "9.1R4" } }, "system-information": { "hardware-model": "PSA5000-V", "host-name": "localhost2", "os-name": "ive-sa", "os-version": "9.1R4", "serial-number": "VASPHJPEG824R1U0S" } } |
Retrieving Serial Number and Machine ID
Request GET /api/v1/system/system-information HTTP/1.1 Host: Authorization: Basic czM3MzVDTFVYbnFObFR5NHdNSTFES3piSDhrMTVwR0pLV2gwOTlMYmxhYz06 Content-Type: application/json Response HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: 193 Content-Type: application/json { "rollback-partition-information": { "build": "5801", "os-name": "ive-sa", "os-version": "9.1R6" }, "software-inventory": { "software": { "build": "6087", "name": "IVE-OS", "type": "operating-system", "version": "9.1R7" } }, "system-information": { "cluster-node": {}, "hardware-model": "PSA-3000", "host-name": "node1", "machine-id": "0312MB24A0EZ504VS", "os-name": "ive-sa", "os-version": "9.1R7", "serial-number": "0312022017100103" } } |
Realm-based Administrator User Using Administrator Local Authentication Server
Request POST /api/v1/realm_auth HTTP/1.1 Host: Authorization: Basic YWRtaW4xOmRhbmExMjM= Content-Type: application/json { “realm”: “<realm-name>” } Response HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json { "api_key": "MjUwOGQyNzAyOWU3MWQ2MzNiMTM2Njg2MzAwNDg3MjU=" } |
Realm-based Administrator User Using AD Authentication Server
Request POST /api/v1/realm_auth HTTP/1.1 Host: Authorization: Basic bmF6ZWVyOlBzZWN1cmUxMjMk Content-Type: application/json { "realm": "AdminADRealm" } Response HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json { "api_key": "ODRjOTcxOTY5ZTlmYTcwY2QwYzk1ZDBjMWQ5N2RmN2Q=" } |
Realm-based Administrator User Using LDAP Authentication Server
Request POST /api/v1/realm_auth HTTP/1.1 Host: Authorization: Basic bmF6ZWVyOlBzZWN1cmUxMjMk Content-Type: application/json { "realm": "LDAPRealm" } Response HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json { "api_key": "ZTQxNTIxOTJhNmUwMjg3MWI5MjZkYmE1MGM0MzdiMDI=" } |
Realm-based Administrator User Using Radius Authentication Server
Request POST /api/v1/realm_auth HTTP/1.1 Host: Authorization: Basic amFjazpqdW5pcGVy Content-Type: application/json { "realm": "RadiusAdminRealm" } Response HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json { "api_key": "MGMzZjJkZDZlYmRlYzg0MDE5NzkwYzE1ZGM5MmQyYTQ=" } |
Realm-based Administrator User from a Particular Source IP
Request PUT /api/v1/configuration/administrators/admin-realms/realm/AdminLocalAuthRealm/authentication-policy/source-ip/customized HTTP/1.1 Host: Authorization: Basic T1dFM056VTBPVEl5T0dFeU16WXpOakU0WVRFek9EWXhOamRoTVdVNFpqYz06 Content-Type: application/json { "customized": "selected-ip" } Response HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: 124 Content-Type →application/json { "result": { "info": [ { "message": "Operation succeeded without warning or error!" } ] } } Request POST /api/v1/configuration/administrators/admin-realms/realm/AdminLocalAuthRealm/authentication-policy/source-ip/ips/ip HTTP/1.1 Host: Authorization: Basic T1dFM056VTBPVEl5T0dFeU16WXpOakU0WVRFek9EWXhOamRoTVdVNFpqYz06 Content-Type: application/json { "access": "allow", "address": "", "netmask": "" } Response HTTP/1.1 201 CREATED Content-Length: 124 Content-Type: application/json { "result": { "info": [ { "message": "Operation succeeded without warning or error!" } ] } } |
Realm-based Administrator Authorization Role Mapping to .Administrator Role
Request PUT /api/v1/configuration/administrators/admin-realms/realm/AdminADRealm/role-mapping-rules HTTP/1.1 Host: Authorization: Basic TldVNFl6TmtOVEZqTkRFek1EUXdPVGRoTlRrMk9UWTBaR0l3TkRnM1ptST06 Content-Type: application/json { "user-selects-role": "false", "rule": [ { "roles": [ ".Administrators" ], "stop-rules-processing": "true", "group": { "group-names": [ "PCS-QA/systems" ] }, "name": "AdminADRoleMapping" } ], "user-selects-roleset": "false" } Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: 124 Content-Type: application/json { "result": { "info": [ { "message": "Operation succeeded without warning or error!" } ] } } |
Specifying Session Validity for REST Admin Session
Request PUT /api/v1/configuration/administrators/admin-roles/admin-role/%2EAdministrators/general/session-options HTTP/1.1 Host: Authorization: Basic TldVNFl6TmtOVEZqTkRFek1EUXdPVGRoTlRrMk9UWTBaR0l3TkRnM1ptST06 Content-Type: application/json { "idle-timeout": "5" } Response HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: 124 Content-Type: application/json { "result": { "info": [ { "message": "Operation succeeded without warning or error!" } ] } } |
Getting Active Directory Search Groups
Request GET /api/v1/configuration/authentication/auth-servers/auth-server/ADServer/ad/server-catalog/groups HTTP/1.1 Host: Authorization: Basic RU9jaHYwdmlqVnJibDBqeE9obTlYZDVOdHhVS2FMeSttVzBqL1pKUXh6bz06 Content-Type: application/json Response HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: 294 Content-Type: application/json { "ad-group": [ { "group": "PCS-QA/core", "name": "PCS-QA/core", "sid": "S-1-5-21-3875260349-1888520165-453808128-1112" }, { "group": "PCS-QA/systems", "name": "PCS-QA/systems", "sid": "S-1-5-21-3875260349-1888520165-453808128-1108" } ]
} |
Adding Search Group to Active Directory
Request PUT /api/v1/configuration/authentication/auth-servers/auth-server/ADServer/ad/server-catalog/groups HTTP/1.1 Host: Authorization: Basic RU9jaHYwdmlqVnJibDBqeE9obTlYZDVOdHhVS2FMeSttVzBqL1pKUXh6bz06 Content-Type: application/json { "ad-group": [ { "group": "PCS-QA/systems", "name": "PCS-QA/systems" }, { "group": "PCS-QA/core", "name": "PCS-QA/core" } ] } Response HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: 124 Content-Type: application/json { "result": { "info": [ { "message": "Operation succeeded without warning or error!" } ] } } |
Updating Active Directory Group
To update a group, first get already available list using GET operation and append new group to it before PUT.
Request PUT /api/v1/configuration/authentication/auth-servers/auth-server/ADServer/ad/server-catalog/groups HTTP/1.1 Host: Authorization: Basic RU9jaHYwdmlqVnJibDBqeE9obTlYZDVOdHhVS2FMeSttVzBqL1pKUXh6bz06 Content-Type: application/json { "ad-group": [ { "group": "PCS-QA/core", "name": "PCS-QA/core", "sid": "S-1-5-21-3875260349-1888520165-453808128-1112" }, { "group": "PCS-QA/systems", "name": "PCS-QA/systems", "sid": "S-1-5-21-3875260349-1888520165-453808128-1108" }, { "group": "PCS-QA/client", "name": "PCS-QA/client", "sid": "S-1-5-21-3875260349-1888520165-453808128-1113" } ] } Response HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: 124 Content-Type: application/json { "result": { "info": [ { "message": "Operation succeeded without warning or error!" } ] } } |
Deleting Active Directory Groups
Request PUT /api/v1/configuration/authentication/auth-servers/auth-server/ADServer/ad/server-catalog/groups HTTP/1.1 Host: Authorization: Basic RU9jaHYwdmlqVnJibDBqeE9obTlYZDVOdHhVS2FMeSttVzBqL1pKUXh6bz06 Content-Type: application/json { "ad-group": [ ] } Response HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: 124 Content-Type: application/json { "result": { "info": [ { "message": "Operation succeeded without warning or error!" } ] } } |
Getting All LDAP Group List
Request GET /api/v1/configuration/authentication/auth-servers/auth-server/LDAPServer/ldap/server-catalog/groups HTTP/1.1 Host: Authorization: Basic RU9jaHYwdmlqVnJibDBqeE9obTlYZDVOdHhVS2FMeSttVzBqL1pKUXh6bz06 Content-Type: application/json |
Adding Groups to LDAP
Request PUT /api/v1/configuration/authentication/auth-servers/auth-server/LDAPServer/ldap/server-catalog/groups HTTP/1.1 Host: Authorization: Basic RU9jaHYwdmlqVnJibDBqeE9obTlYZDVOdHhVS2FMeSttVzBqL1pKUXh6bz06 Content-Type: application/json { "user-group": [ { "dn": "CN=Administrators,CN=Builtin,DC=pcs-qa,DC=blrlab,DC=net", "group-type": "static", "name": "Administrators" }, { "dn": "CN=Users,CN=Builtin,DC=pcs-qa,DC=blrlab,DC=net", "group-type": "static", "name": "Users" } ] } Response HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: 124 Content-Type: application/json { "result": { "info": [ { "message": "Operation succeeded without warning or error!" } ] } } |
Updating LDAP Source Group
To update a group, first get already available list using GET operation and append new group to it and then perform PUT operation.
Request PUT /api/v1/configuration/authentication/auth-servers/auth-server/LDAPServer/ldap/server-catalog/groups HTTP/1.1 Host: Authorization: Basic RU9jaHYwdmlqVnJibDBqeE9obTlYZDVOdHhVS2FMeSttVzBqL1pKUXh6bz06 Content-Type: application/json { "user-group": [ { "dn": "CN=Administrators,CN=Builtin,DC=pcs-qa,DC=blrlab,DC=net", "group-type": "static", "name": "Administrators" }, { "dn": "CN=Users,CN=Builtin,DC=pcs-qa,DC=blrlab,DC=net", "group-type": "static", "name": "Users" }, { "dn": "CN=Guests,CN=Builtin,DC=pcs-qa,DC=blrlab,DC=net", "group-type": "static", "name": "Guests" } ] } Response HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: 124 Content-Type: application/json { "result": { "info": [ { "message": "Operation succeeded without warning or error!" } ] } } |
Deleting LDAP Source Group
Request PUT /api/v1/configuration/authentication/auth-servers/auth-server/LDAPServer/ldap/server-catalog/groups HTTP/1.1 Host: Authorization: Basic RU9jaHYwdmlqVnJibDBqeE9obTlYZDVOdHhVS2FMeSttVzBqL1pKUXh6bz06 Content-Type: application/json { "user-group": [ ] } Response HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: 124 Content-Type: application/json { "result": { "info": [ { "message": "Operation succeeded without warning or error!" } ] } } |
Creating a Cluster
Request PUT /api/v1/cluster HTTP/1.1 Host: Authorization: Basic TldVNFl6TmtOVEZqTkRFek1EUXdPVGRoTlRrMk9UWTBaR0l3TkRnM1ptST06 Content-Type: application/json { "cluster-name": "cluster1", "cluster-password": "dana123", "member-name": "nodeA", "action": "create" } Response HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: 118 Content-Type: application/json { "result": { "info": [ { "message": "Created cluster 'cluster1' successfully" } ] } } |
Adding a Member to Cluster
Request POST /api/v1/cluster/members HTTP/1.1 Host: Authorization: Basic THI5bmxreU50UE04MWJ6OHRhbjhFMW1PYTVuV3V5MG5XN0oyNmNWcTRhbz06 Content-Type: application/json { "member-name" : "node225", "member-ip" : "", "member-netmask" : "", "member-gateway" : "", "member-external-ip" : "", "member-external-netmask" : "", "member-external-gateway" : "" } Response HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: 125 Content-Type: application/json { "result": { "info": [ { "message": "Added member 'node225' to cluster successfully" } ] } } |
Getting Cluster Status
Request GET /api/v1/cluster HTTP/1.1 Host: Authorization: Basic TWN2cUEzbFRYQXcySjBSbGpKWTAzdk1oa2RiTDFLUVJDUjNNdlQ0UlRJdz06 Content-Type: application/json Response HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: 619 Content-Type: application/json { "members": [ { "enabled": true, "external-ip": "", "external-network": "", "internal-ip": "", "internal-netmask": "", "name": "node225", "notes": "Enabled, Unreachable", "status-code": "0x18" }, { "enabled": true, "external-ip": "", "external-network": "", "internal-ip": "", "internal-netmask": "", "name": "nodeA", "notes": "Leader", "status-code": "0x19004" } ], "mode": "Active/Active", "name": "cluster1" } { "external-vip-ipv4": "", "external-vip-owner": "node-51-39", "internal-vip-ipv4": "", "internal-vip-owner": "node-51-39", "members": [ { "enabled": true, "external-ip": "", "external-netmask": "", "internal-ip": "", "internal-netmask": "", "name": "node-51-39", "notes": "Leader", "status-code": "0x1b004" }, { "enabled": true, "external-ip": "", "external-netmask": "", "internal-ip": "", "internal-netmask": "", "name": "Node-something", "notes": "Enabled, Unreachable", "status-code": "0x18" } ], "mode": "Active/Passive", "name": "TEST-CLUSTER" } |
Deleting Cluster Member
Request DELETE /api/v1/cluster/members/node225 HTTP/1.1 Host: Authorization: Basic TWN2cUEzbFRYQXcySjBSbGpKWTAzdk1oa2RiTDFLUVJDUjNNdlQ0UlRJdz06 Content-Type: application/json Response HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: 129 Content-Type: application/json { "result": { "info": [ { "message": "Removed member 'node225' from cluster successfully" } ] } } |
Getting Health Check Status
Request GET /api/v1/system/healthcheck Host: Content-Type: application/json Response HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json { "message": "Security Gateway is accessible." }
Request GET /api/v1/system/healthcheck?status=all HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Type: application/json Response Content-Type: application/json { "CPU-UTILIZATION4": 8, "SSL-CONNECTION-COUNT": 0, "MAX-LICENSED-USERS-REACHED": "NO", "SWAP-UTILIZATION": 1, "DISK-UTILIZATION": -1, "USER-COUNT": 0, "VPN-TUNNEL-COUNT": 0 }
Request GET /api/v1/system/healthcheck?status=sbr HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Type: application/json Response Content-Type: application/json { "SBR-AVAILABLE": 1 } |
Joining a Cluster
Request PUT /api/v1/cluster HTTP/1.1 Host: Authorization: Basic SkUyV1BaVjRjcGxleElRMnNiZXpYajE2dEVIUm9Oa05WWDdRWHh3MmpJZz06 Content-Type: application/json { "cluster-name": "cluster", "cluster-password": "dana123", "member-address": "", "action": "join" } Response HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: 116 Content-Type: application/json { "result": { "info": [ { "message": "Joined cluster 'cluster' successfully" } ] } } |
VIP Failover
Request PUT /api/v1/cluster Host: Authorization: Basic SkUyV1BaVjRjcGxleElRMnNiZXpYajE2dEVIUm9Oa05WWDdRWHh3MmpJZz06 Content-Type: application/json { "action": "vip-failover" } Response In case of active-passive cluster: { "result": { "info": [ { "message": "VIP fail-over initiated" } ] } } In case of active-active cluster: { "result": { "info": [ { "message": "Node not part of an Active-Passive cluster. Invalid operation." } ] } } |
Configuring IF MAP Server
Request PUT /api/v1/configuration/system/ifmap/overview/ifmap-config/ Host: xx.xxx.xxx.xxx Authorization: Basic SkUyV1BaVjRjcGxleElRMnNiZXpYajE2dEVIUm9Oa05WWDdRWHh3MmpJZz06 Content-Type: application/json { "ifmap-config": " server " } Response HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: 116 Content-Type: application/json { "result": { "info": [ { "message": ": "Operation succeeded without warning or error!" } ] } } |
Configuring IF MAP Client
Request PUT /api/v1/configuration/system/ifmap/overview/ifmap-config/ Host: xx.xxx.xxx.xxx Authorization: Basic SkUyV1BaVjRjcGxleElRMnNiZXpYajE2dEVIUm9Oa05WWDdRWHh3MmpJZz06 Content-Type: application/json { "auth-type": "basic", "cert": "None", "ifmap-config": "client", "password-encrypted": "3u+UR6n8AgABAAAAe9Px2XELrbvvAZACcoOJXBM105llgG8QQLNR4hcLNrE=", "server-url": "https://<PPS-IP-Address>/dana-ws/soap/dsifmap", "username": "admin1" } { "auth-type": "cert", "cert": "xx.xxx.xx.xx", "ifmap-config": "client", "password-encrypted": "3u+UR6n8AgABAAAAe9Px2XELrbvvAZACcoOJXBM105llgG8QQLNR4hcLNrE=", "server-url": "https://<PPS-IP_Address>/dana-ws/soap/dsifmap", "username": "admin1" } Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: 116 Content-Type: application/json { "result": { "info": [ { "message": ": "Operation succeeded without warning or error!" } ] } } |
Configuring No IF MAP Server
Request PUT /api/v1/configuration/system/ifmap/overview/ifmap-config/ Host: xx.xxx.xxx.xxx Authorization: Basic SkUyV1BaVjRjcGxleElRMnNiZXpYajE2dEVIUm9Oa05WWDdRWHh3MmpJZz06 Content-Type: application/json { "ifmap-config": "no-ifmap" } Response HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: 116 Content-Type: application/json { "result": { "info": [ { "message": ": "Operation succeeded without warning or error!" } ] } } |
Getting Config Without Pulse Packages (ESAP and Pulse Client Packages)
Request GET /api/v1/configuration/authentication/endpoint/host-checker/esaps?expand&&excludePulsePackages HTTP/1.1 Host: Authorization: Basic dS9UOURJRWswZzVyMTdieUJqVnhaQnExZUpTTW9ndCtIdGZzMnczMmlzRT06 Content-Type: application/json Response HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: 561 Content-Type: application/json { "active-version": "3.3.5", "default-version": "3.3.5", "esap": [ { "esap-version": "3.3.5", "last-activated-time": "Sun 17 Mar 2019 23:54:12 PDT", "upload-time": "Sun 17 Mar 2019 23:53:35 PDT" }, { "esap-version": "3.3.6", "last-activated-time": "Never", "upload-time": "Mon 18 Mar 2019 21:45:31 PDT" }, { "esap-version": "3.3.7", "last-activated-time": "Never", "upload-time": "Mon 18 Mar 2019 21:46:12 PDT" } ], "force-same-esap": "false", "opswat-sdk-version": "4" } |
Backing Up Binary Configuration
Request GET /api/v1/system/binary-configuration HTTP/1.1 Host: Authorization: Basic dS9UOURJRWswZzVyMTdieUJqVnhaQnExZUpTTW9ndCtIdGZzMnczMmlzRT06 Response HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8 Content-Length: 50753630 UEsDBBQAAAAIAE9VmU4J1asqz3cDAKx3AwAKABwAc3lzdGVtLmNmZ1VUCQADvUHB XL1BwVx1eAsAAQQAAAAABAAAAAAAC4D0fwnTMa1OLV2XgACOdwMAINEfP2AuIVXV B1FhtptLC259gyNPT7WwhtQKbp2Y2+d1h1MTflQis8wbHytXP19D+SM+amX5UKeO GDUggxgbrEQMXmwOSv8YBrvXIBShmGO5BVqfUemvdNK3OB+S/g8+LIPG5i2c3LVm W8hY3PLQ9CJHMrFSBFtgyTX2at85MGCsupxd2gOQQ9e138KrI2hBoywDzCJiRUSU ... |
Restoring Binary Configuration (import=normal)
The import normal mode will import the binary configuration excluding the IP, network configurations and cluster configuration. The normal mode is similar to default option in binary import.
Request PUT /api/v1/system/binary-configuration?import=normal HTTP/1.1 Or PUT /api/v1/system/binary-configuration HTTP/1.1 Host: Authorization: Basic dS9UOURJRWswZzVyMTdieUJqVnhaQnExZUpTTW9ndCtIdGZzMnczMmlzRT06 Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8 Response HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "result": { "info": [ { "message": "Operation successfully completed." } ] } } Error Cases: import mode specified is incorrect (other than normal or full) Content-Length: 100 Content-Type: application/json { "result": { "errors": [ { "message": "Invalid import mode" } ] } } Content type is not a base 64 encoded binary configuration string Content-Length: 126 Content-Type: application/json { "result": { "errors": [ { "message": "Error - Failed to extract configuration files" } ] } } |
Restoring Binary Configuration (import=full)
The import full mode will import everything from the binary configuration provided in the body. This is similar to full binary import.
Request PUT /api/v1/system/binary-configuration?import=full HTTP/1.1 Host: Authorization: Basic dS9UOURJRWswZzVyMTdieUJqVnhaQnExZUpTTW9ndCtIdGZzMnczMmlzRT06 Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8 Body data: Base64 configuration string as received in GET request)
UEsDBBQAAAAIAE9VmU4J1asqz3cDAKx3AwAKABwAc3lzdGVtLmNmZ1VUCQADvUHB XL1BwVx1eAsAAQQAAAAABAAAAAAAC4D0fwnTMa1OLV2XgACOdwMAINEfP2AuIVXV B1FhtptLC259gyNPT7WwhtQKbp2Y2+d1h1MTflQis8wbHytXP19D+SM+amX5UKeO GDUggxgbrEQMXmwOSv8YBrvXIBShmGO5BVqfUemvdNK3OB+S/g8+LIPG5i2c3LVm …… Response HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: 112 Content-Type: application/json { "result": { "info": [ { "message": "Operation successfully completed." } "errors": [ ] } } Error Cases: import mode specified is incorrect (other than normal or full) Content-Length: 100 Content-Type: application/json { "result": { { "message": "Invalid import mode" } ] } } Content type is not a base 64 encoded binary configuration string Content-Length: 126 Content-Type: application/json { "result": { "errors": [ { "message": "Error - Failed to extract configuration files" } ] } } |
Get APIs to Delete Named Users
GET /api/v1/license/named-users
•Gives two separate lists of PCS and PPS named users on license server.
• Named users list on license client or independent PCS/PPS
GET /api/v1/license/named-users/<pcs|pps>
•Gives list of PCS/PPS named users on license server as required.
Example of GET API to fetch users list on independent PCS/PPS
REQUEST GET HTTP/1.1 Authorization: Basic Content-Type: application/json RESPONSE HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: 933 Content-Type: application/json { "named-users": [ { "IP": "x.x.x.x", "Last Agent Type": "Pulse-Secure/ (Windows) Pulse/", "Last Role": [ "Users" ], "Last Sign in": "2021-07-16 19:05:51", "User": "dev1" }, { "IP": " x.x.x.x ", "Last Agent Type": "Pulse-Secure/ (Windows) Pulse/", "Last Role": [ "Users" ], "Last Sign in": "2021-07-16 19:05:51", "User": "dev4" }, { "IP": " x.x.x.x ", "Last Agent Type": "Pulse-Secure/ (Windows) Pulse/", "Last Role": [ "Users" ], "Last Sign in": "2021-07-16 19:05:51", "User": "dev3" }, { "IP": " x.x.x.x", "Last Agent Type": "Pulse-Secure/ (Windows) Pulse/", "Last Role": [ "Users" ], "Last Sign in": "2021-07-16 19:05:51", "User": "dev2" } ] } |
Example of GET API to fetch users list on license server which gives two separate lists of PCS and PPS named users.
REQUEST GET HTTP/1.1 Authorization: Basic Content-Type: application/json RESPONSE HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: 1604 Content-Type: application/json { "pcs": { "named-users": [ { "Appliance": "pcs_5", "Last Login IP": " x.x.x.x", "Last Login time": "2021-07-16 19:20:13", "Login Realm": "Users", "Role": "Users", "User": "dev1", "User Agent": "Pulse-Secure/ (Windows) Pulse/" }, { "Appliance": "pcs_5", "Last Login IP": " x.x.x.x", "Last Login time": "2021-07-16 19:20:13", "Login Realm": "Users", "Role": "Users", "User": "dev2", "User Agent": "Pulse-Secure/ (Windows) Pulse/" }, { "Appliance": "pcs_5", "Last Login IP": " x.x.x.x", "Last Login time": "2021-07-16 19:20:13", "Login Realm": "Users", "Role": "Users", "User": "dev3", "User Agent": "Pulse-Secure/ (Windows) Pulse/" }, { "Appliance": "pcs_5", "Last Login IP": " x.x.x.x", "Last Login time": "2021-07-16 19:20:13", "Login Realm": "Users", "Role": "Users", "User": "dev4", "User Agent": "Pulse-Secure/ (Windows) Pulse/" } ] }, "pps": { "named-users": [ { "Appliance": "pps_149", "Last Login IP": " x.x.x.x", "Last Login time": "2021-07-17 05:26:48", "Login Realm": "Users", "Role": "Users", "User": "test1", "User Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/91.0.4472.124 Safari/537.36" } ] } } |
Example of GET API to fetch users list on license server of pps named users alone
REQUEST GET HTTP/1.1 Authorization: Basic Content-Type: application/json RESPONSE HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: 676 Content-Type: application/json { "named-users": [ { "Appliance": "pps_149", "Last Login IP": " x.x.x.x", "Last Login time": "2021-07-17 05:26:48", "Login Realm": "Users", "Role": "Users", "User": "test1", "User Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/91.0.4472.124 Safari/537.36" }, { "Appliance": "pps_149", "Last Login IP": " x.x.x.x", "Last Login time": "2021-07-17 05:27:20", "Login Realm": "Users", "Role": "Users", "User": "test2", "User Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:89.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/89.0" } ] } |
PUT APIs to Delete single/ Multiple User
PUT /api/v1/license/named-users/<pcs|pps>
•Not applicable to license client or independent PCS/PPS
•Delete list of PCS/PPS named users on license server as required.
Content Type: json
"action" : "remove",
"users" : "<list of users>"
PUT /api/v1/license/named-users
•Not applicable on license server.
•Delete Named users list on license client or independent PCS/PPS
Content Type: json
"action" : "remove",
"delete-active-sessions": "true|false"
"users" : "<list of users>"
PUT APIs to remove all users
PUT /api/v1/license/named-users/<pcs|pps>
•Not applicable to license client or independent PCS/PPS
•Delete list of PCS/PPS named users on license server as required.
Content Type: json
"action": "remove-all"
PUT /api/v1/license/named-users
•Not applicable on license server.
•Delete Named users list on license client or independent PCS/PPS
Content Type: json
"action": "remove-all",
"delete-active-sessions": "true|false"
delete-active-sessions is an optional argument in PUT APIs. In case it is not specified, it will be considered as false.
For action remove-all, even if the list of users is given, it is ignored and not processed.
Example of PUT API to delete named users list on independent PCS/PPS
REQUEST PUT HTTP/1.1 Authorization: Basic Content-Type: application/json { "action" : "remove", "delete-active-sessions": "true", "users" : ["dev1", "dev2"] } RESPONSE HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: 128 Content-Type: application/json { "result": { "info": [ { "message": "Deleted user(s) and corresponding active sessions" } ] } } |
Example of PUT API to delete named users list of pcs client from license Server
REQUEST PUT HTTP/1.1 Authorization: Basic Content-Type: application/json { "action" : "remove", "users" : ["dev1", "dev3"] } RESPONSE HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: 94 Content-Type: application/json { "result": { "info": [ { "message": "Deleted user(s)" } ] } } |
Example of PUT API to delete all named users list on independent PCS/PPS
REQUEST PUT HTTP/1.1 Authorization: Basic Content-Type: application/json { "action" : "remove-all", "delete-active-sessions": "false" } RESPONSE HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: 98 Content-Type: application/json { "result": { "info": [ { "message": "Deleted all user(s)" } ] } } |
Example of PUT API to delete all named users list of pps client from license Server
REQUEST PUT HTTP/1.1 Authorization: Basic Content-Type: application/json { "action" : "remove-all" } RESPONSE HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: 98 Content-Type: application/json { "result": { "info": [ { "message": "Deleted all user(s)" } ] } } |