Deploying PCS on OpenStack Using Heat

OpenStack provides Heat Orchestration template that can be used to automate the deployment of PSA-V. Before proceeding with the deployment, ensure the image is uploaded to OpenStack. For details, see Appendix A.

Visit, download and unzip the package to extract the yml file. Ensure that parameters section in the template has correct default values:

vm_name: Name of the PCS Virtual instance.

image_name: Name of the PCS KVM image to install

pcs_int_network: PCS Internal network to use for the instance.

pcs_ext_network: PCS External network to use for the instance.

pcs_mgmt_network: PCS Management network to use for the instance

psa_v_flavor: PSA-V flavor to use for the instance.

availability_zone: The Availability Zone to launch the instance.

To deploy PCS using OpenStack Heat, run the following command:

openstack stack create -t <.yml> <stack-name> --parameter <command line params>

Sample Output:

For command details refer to