Deploying PCS on OpenStack Using Horizon Dashboard

Before proceeding with the PCS deployment, ensure that the necessary prerequisites are set up. For details, refer to Appendix A.

To deploy PCS on OpenStack, do the following:

1.Log in to the OpenStack.

2.In the OpenStack dashboard displayed, select Project > Compute > Images.

3.From the list of images displayed, click on Launch corresponding to the PCS KVM image you want to launch.

The following figure depicts the PCS VA Images screen:

4.In the Launch Instance Details window, fill the following and then click Next.

Instance Name: Specify host name of the PCS Virtual instance

Description: Enter a brief description on this instance

Availability Zone: Select the zone where the instance is deployed

Count: Number of VM instances

The following figure depicts the Device Details screen:

5.The Source window displays the details of the image used. Click Next.

The following figure depicts the Source Selection screen.

6.In the Flavor window, select required flavors of PSA-V (PSA3000-V, PSA5000-V, PSA7000-V) from the list based on the memory and storage capacity of the instance. Click Next.

The following figure depicts the Flavor Selection screen.

7.In the Networks window, select networks from the list that specifies internal, external and management subnets. PCS supports VM with 2-NICs model and 3-NICs model for deployment. Click Next.

The following figure depicts the Network Selection screen:

8.(Optional) Network Ports window. Click Next.

The following figure depicts the Network Ports Selection screen:

9.In the Security Groups window, select the required network security groups from the list for internal, external and management ports. Click Next.

The following figure depicts the Security Groups Selection screen:

10.Key Pair is not used. Click Next.

The following figure depicts the Key Pair screen:

11.In the Configuration window:

12.Click Choose file and import the file that contains the provisioning parameters in XML format.

13.Select the Configuration Drive check box. Only when the Configuration Drive flag is selected, the template file is available for PSA-V instance.

14.Click Launch Instance.

The following figure depicts the Configuration Script screen:

15.The Instances window lists all the PCS VA instances. The blue bar in the Task column shows the status of creation of the instance. This will take a few minutes.

Open the created PCS VA instance by clicking on the Instance Name link.

The following figure depicts the: Instances screen.

The Interface tab shows the networks that are created.

The Log tab shows the log details of the device that is created.

The console tab provides the virtual console to view the device coming up.

16.Next, the Internal and External interfaces are configured by DHCP (Zero touch configuration).

The following figure depicts the Internal and External Interfaces Configuration by DHCP screen:

17.The Config URL is downloaded for initial configuration.

The following figure depicts the Download Config URL from Template screen:

This completes deploying PCS VA on OpenStack.