System Maintenance


The system maintenance operations must be planned to ensure that your system functions properly and to avoid any network disruptions. You can check the IPS platform information and perform the required tasks, which includes upgrading or downgrading the software, downloading the client installer files, performing disk cleanup operations and so on.

The system maintenance menu includes the following components:

  • Platform- Use this option to check the platform information such as model, version, serial number, current version, and the rollback version. This helps the Administrator to perform/plan any routine system maintenance operations.
  • Upgrade/Downgrade- Use this option to upgrade/downgrade the IPS software.
  • Change Personality- Use this option to change the personality of the IPS device to a ICS device.
  • Options- Use this option to check the global system parameters, including hardware settings.
  • Installers- Use this option to download the client installer files based on the user platform.