Admin Server Configuration


The Admin Server Configuration options allow you to configure the following:

  • HTTP Proxy

    If your deployment includes a proxy, specify the proxy details. Once specified, vWAF uses the proxy to download new baselines.

  • SMTP Mail

    Specify the email settings for sending reports and alerts.

  • Audit Log

    If you require the ability to record audit log details beyond the scope of vWAF (for example, on a central log server), specify the location details. If specified, vWAF sends a copy of the events written to audit log to the specified location.


To access the Admin Server Configuration options, select Administration > Admin Server Configuration.

You configure the required options as detailed below.

Configure HTTP Proxy

If you specify an HTTP Proxy, vWAF uses this proxy when downloading new baselines (see Baseline Protection Wizard). Proxy authentication is supported.

To configure the HTTP Proxy:

Within the Admin Server Configuration section, enter the HTTP Proxy details.

You can either enter the http proxy with or without a username and password in one of the following forms:

https://user:[email protected]:port


HTTP configuration is managed using the Admin Server Configuration option only. Any related settings in the conf file are no longer applicable and ignored.

Configure SMTP Mail

This procedure explains how to specify the email settings for sending reports and alerts.

To configure SMTP Email:

  1. Within the Admin Server Configuration section, enter the address of your SMTP Server in the format: server:port
  2. If your deployment uses the SMTP protocol extension STARTTLS (Secure SMTP over TLS), check the SMTP starttls option.
  3. If your deployment uses SMTP authentication, check the Enable SMTP authentication option and enter the Username and Password required for SMTP authentication.
  4. In the Mail from field, enter the sender address for email alerts in the format: user@domain
  5. Click Save.

All SMTP Mail configuration is managed using the Admin Server Configuration options only. Any related settings in the conf file are no longer applicable and ignored.

Configure vWAF to Send Audit Log Data to a Specified Location

If applicable, you can configure vWAF to send a copy of the Audit Log data to another location. This creates and maintains an up to date copy of the Audit Log in the location you specify, such as a central log server.

This does not replace the vWAF Audit Log. It is used to create and maintain a copy of the Audit Log in another location. vWAF maintains the master Audit Log.

To configure vWAF to send Audit Log data to a specified location:

  1. Within Audit Log Syslog Configuration section, click Enable.
  2. Select the required log format - for example, 'syslog RFC5424'. The available formats are 'syslog', 'syslog CSV', and 'syslog RFC5424'. 'syslog RFC5424' is the default.
  3. Select the required protocol - for example, TCP.
  4. Select the required Facility - for example, LOCAL0.
  5. Enter the Host IP Address and Port.
  6. Click Save.