Decider Statistics REST Interface


'last-10-minutes': [(timestamp, value), (timestamp, value), ...] 'last-hour': [(timestamp, value), (timestamp, value), ...] 'last-day': [(timestamp, value), ....] }

timestamp is a Unix timestamp (seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00 GMT).

value is a floating point value.

The different lists have different resolutions: In the last-10-minutes and in the last-hour view, the values are consolidated per minute. The last-day view contains consolidated values every 5 minutes. The resolution dictionary reflects this and contains the value of the resolution in seconds. For example, in the last-day view, a value is consolidated every 5 minutes, which equals 5*60=300 seconds.

Note that all static data is about 3 minutes old. In particular, this also applies to the last-10-minutes view.

The bound_master dict and the forced_bound_master dict have the following fields:

  • master_id: The internal master ID (this ID is unique in the whole cluster)
  • master_ip: The IP address of the administration node that’s seen by the decider node. This IP address may differ from the administration node IP address in the cluster.

Getting the free memory of a decider node

  • Request

    Method GET
    URL /cluster/deciders/NODEID/stats/free-memory
  • Response

    Return code Arguments Meaning
    200 successfully returned a dictionary with the requested data (in megabytes)
    401 - no login
    403 - not enough rights
    404 - decider node not found
    500 - internal server error
  • Example

    $ curl -u admin:admin http://localhost:8087/api/af/2.0/cluster/deciders/ { "__name": "free-memory", "__path": "/api/af/2.0/cluster/deciders/", "__subnodes": [ "last-10-minutes", "last-hour", "last-day" ] }

    To obtain the actual data, you must decide on the resolution that you want:

    curl -u admin:admin http://localhost:8087/api/af/2.0/cluster/deciders/ { "__name": "last-hour", "__path": "/api/af/2.0/cluster/deciders/", "__subnodes": [], "data": [ [ 1352276474, 45.0 ], [ .. }

Getting the number of requests per minute

  • Request

    Method GET
    URL /cluster/deciders/NODEID/stats/requests-per-minute
  • Response

    Return code Arguments Meaning
    200 { ... } successfully returned a dictionary with the requested data
    401 - no login
    403 - not enough rights
    404 - decider node not found
    500 - internal server error
  • Example

    $ curl -u admin:admin -H 'Content-Type: application/json' { "__name": "requests-per-minute", "__path": "/api/af/2.0/cluster/deciders/", "__subnodes": [ "last-10-minutes", "last-hour", "last-day" ] }

Getting the load of a decider node

  • Request

    Method GET
    URL /cluster/deciders/NODEID/stats/load
  • Response

    Return code Arguments Meaning
    200 { ... } successfully returned a dictionary with the requested data
    401 - no login
    403 - not enough rights
    404 - decider node not found
    500 - internal server error
  • Example

    $ curl -u admin:admin http://localhost:8087/api/af/2.0/cluster/deciders/ { "__name": "last-hour", "__path": "/api/af/2.0/cluster/deciders/", "__subnodes": [], "data": [ [ 1351785759, 0.51 ], [ 1351785819, 0.18 ], ... [ 1351789299, 0.16 ] ], "resolution": 60 }

Getting the free log space of a decider node

  • Request

    Method GET
    URL /cluster/deciders/NODEID/stats/free-log-diskspace
  • Response

    Return code Arguments Meaning
    200 { ... } successfully returned a dictionary with the requested data (in megabytes)
    401 - no login
    403 - not enough rights
    404 - decider node not found
    500 - internal server error