Entries in the Event Log

This reference lists and explains all possible messages of the Default Error Log. For a description of the general syntax of these log file entries, and for a description on how to view and filter these log files, please refer toDefault Error Log.

For more information regarding monitoring and log files, seeMonitoring Attacks, Statistics, Log Files, Reports.

Messages Cause

Messages regarding individual cluster nodes

cluster node IP:Port running

Slave that went on line.

the following nodes are offline: IP:Port

List of slaves that went off line.

Messages relating to specific Event Destinations

Error: Event could not be written to logfile . Please check permissions.

The Event Handler was unable to write to the file that you've specified in the attribute log-file. Either the current read/write permissions don't allow to write to this file, or the path doesn't exist, or another writing error has occurred.

See: Logfile Event Destination

Warning: PostEventDestination activated, but no send_to_URI set.

The Event Handler was unable to send an HTTP POST request because you didn't specify any URI (attribute send-to-URI).

See: Post Event Destination

Error while sending event email. Please check your settings.

The Event Handler was unable to send an email to one or more of the recipients specified by the attribute mail-to.

See: Mail Event Destination

Messages triggered by the configured Event Sources

The following are the default texts. If you've modified these texts while configuring the Event Sources, your specific texts appear here instead.

The following node is offline: The following nodes are back online:

See: Cluster State Event Source

Denied requests per minute on the following nodes are over the configured limit: Denied requests per minute on the following nodes are under the configured limit:

See: Denied Requests Per Minute Event Source

Denied requests per minute on the following applications are over the configured limit: Denied requests per minute on the following applications are under the configured limit:

See: Denied Requests Per Minute Per Application Event Source

Created sessions per minute for the following applications are over the configured limit: Created sessions per minute for the following applications are under the configured limit:

See: Denied Requests Per Minute Per Application Event Source

Requests per minute on the following nodes are over the configured limit: Requests per minute on the following nodes are under the configured limit:

See: Requests Per Minute Event Source

Requests per minute on the following applications are over the configured limit: Requests per minute on the following applications are under the configured limit:

See: Requests Per Minute Per Application Event Source