Attack Analysis


Attack Analysis lets you monitor the current attack status of an application at a glance.

You can see how many and which types of attacks were launched, and how severe these attacks were (if vWAF had not detected them). Also you can see which hosts were attacked, who the attackers were, and where exactly they tried to attack.

If the statistics function has been deactivated in the Global ConfigurationGlobal Configuration, there are no attack severity data and baseline distribution data available.

If you’ve disabled logging for individual handlers, these handlers aren’t accounted for in the lists. Disabling logging also prevents the actions of the handler from being taken into account for the Top-10 lists “Top 10 Attacked Hosts”, “Top 10 Attackers” and “Top 10 Attack Points” (see attribute “enable-logging” of individual handlers).


  1. In the navigation area, select the application for which you want to open attack analysis.
  2. Activate the Monitoring | Attack Analysis tab.
  3. From the Ruleset drop-down list, select whether you want to see the attack analysis for the protection ruleset or for the detection ruleset (option only available when in protection mode).
  4. From the Time period drop-down list, select the period for which you want the data to be displayed.
  5. If you want to confine analysis to certain cluster slaves or hosts, click the arrow symbols next to the Time period list and select the desired slaves and hosts. To select multiple entries, just click them one after the other.

    The view refreshes automatically.

    The diagrams are displayed immediately. However, depending on the size of the log files, it may take some time for the Top-10 lists to build up.

    The Attack Severity diagram on the y-axis shows the number of attacks. Please note that the total number of attacks depends on the chosen Time period. The longer this time period is, the more attacks probably have been launched. Therefore, you can’t directly compare the indicated values for different time periods.

Information displayed

Diagram Meaning

Attack Severity

The diagram shows how many attacks have been launched within the selected period of time, allocated to each of the three severity classes "Low", "Medium" and "High". At a glance, this gives you an instant idea of the current threat. The mapping of attacks to one of the three security classes is determined by the handler that repelled the attack. Internally, each handler is assigned to one of the three severity classes. The diagram shows the total activity of handlers within each class. For details on severity, see Severity of Events Triggered by Handlers.


Shows the percentage distribution of attacks, according to the basic attack scenarios covered by the enabled baselines of baseline protection (see Baseline Protection Wizard):

  • Common Attacks
  • Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
  • Path Traversal
  • Shell Command Injection
  • PHP specific rules
  • SQL Injection
  • Code Injection

Top 10 Attacked Hosts

Lists the 10 hosts on which the most total number of attacks were identified. The Attack Count column shows the total number (regardless of severity).

Only the selected hosts (selection above the charts) are accounted for.

Top 10 Attackers

Lists the IP addresses from which the most attacks were launched. The Attack Count column shows the total number.

Top 10 Attack Points

Lists the paths and files on which the most attacks were launched. The Attack Count column shows the total number.