User Groups REST Interface


For a description of user data, see Users REST Interface.

User group data essentially reflect the structure as it can be seen in the group management user interface (see Group Management). For example, the rights for an application administration group look like follows:

{ "__name": "app_group_2800048cc1fc7ed5-ffd51ac6a91ed212cd3a587b0e74ce9a", "__path": "/api/af/2.0/auth/groups/app_group_2800048cc1fc7ed5-ffd51ac6a91ed212cd3a587b0e74ce9a/", "__subnodes": [], "internal": true, "name": "Application Admin for myapp", "permissions": [ { "access": "*", "category": "application", "element": "*", "element_name": "*", "name": "2800048cc1fc7ed5-ffd51ac6a91ed212cd3a587b0e74ce9a" }, { "access": "read", "category": "administration", "element": "*", "element_name": "*", "name": "*" } ] }

Permissions is a list of the rights that are assigned to the group. A right consists of:

  • access

    In the user interface this can be none, read or read/write. In the REST interface, it’s mapped as follows:

    • none-> doesn’t exist; there simply isn’t any entry in this case
    • read-> read
    • read/write-> *
  • category

    Can either be application or administration—this reflects the topmost level in group management.

  • element and element_name

    Only exist for handlers, wizards, and selectors. All other permissions don’t have these entries.

  • name

    This corresponds with the second level in the navigation tree in group management. With the category application it’s the application UUID (not the name). With the category administration it’s configuration, logging, or management.

In all entries there can also be an asterisk, which matches all rights. So, a stingrayafzeusafm Administrator, who has all rights, has:

{ "access": "*", "category": "*", "element": "*", "element_name": "*", "name": "*" }

Getting a list of user groups

  • Request

    Method GET
    URL /auth/groups/
  • Response

    Return code Arguments Meaning
    200 [ group1, group2, ... groupN ] list of group IDs successfully returned
    401 - no login
    403 - not enough rights
    500 - internal server error
  • Example

    The following request retrieves a list of all user groups. In this case, there are the two standard groups “master_admin” and “pci_auditor”, plus the Application Administrator group for one application. The group name for this Application Administrator group consists of the prefix “app_group_” plus the internal UUID of the application.

    $ curl -u admin:admin -H 'Content-Type: application/json' {    "__name": "groups",    "__path": "/api/af/2.0/auth/groups/",    "__subnodes": [        "master_admin",        "pci_auditor",        "app_group_f011694d47d73578-e440fd26a125de02c57dc7efa1f1bc17"    ],    "groups": [        "master_admin",        "app_group_f011694d47d73578-e440fd26a125de02c57dc7efa1f1bc17",        "pci_auditor"    ] }

Getting the data of a user group

  • Request

    Method GET
    URL /auth/groups/GROUPID
  • Response

    Return code Arguments Meaning
    200 { groupdata } dictionary of permissions successfully returned
    401 - no login
    403 - not enough rights
    404 - user group not found
    500 - internal server error
  • Example

    The following request retrieves the data of the user group "master_admin", which is named "hyperguard Admin" in the user interface.

    (In the example, the response is truncated.)

    $ curl -u admin:admin -H 'Content-Type: application/json' { "__name": "master_admin", "__path": "/api/af/2.0/auth/groups/master_admin/", "__subnodes": [], "internal": true, "name": "hyperguard Admin", "permissions": [ { "access": "*", "category": "*", "element": "*", "element_name": "*", "name": "*" } ] }

Adding a user group

  • Request

    Method POST
    URL /auth/groups/
    Arguments { name: groupname }
  • Response

    Return code Arguments Meaning
    200 groupid user group with the given group ID successfully added
    401 - no login
    403 - not enough rights
    409 - malformed, conflicting, or missing data
    500 - internal server error

Changing user group data

  • Request

    Method PUT
    URL /auth/groups/GROUPID
    Arguments { group_data: groupdata }
  • Response

    Return code Arguments Meaning
    200 - group data successfully changed
    401 - no login
    403 - not enough rights
    404 - user group not found
    409 - malformed, conflicting, or missing data
    500 - internal server error

Deleting a user group

  • Request

    Method DELETE
    URL /auth/groups/GROUPID
  • Response

    Return code Arguments Meaning
    200 - user group successfully deleted
    401 - no login
    403 - not enough rights
    404 - user group not found
    409 - user group still contains users
    500 - internal server error