Logging in to Ivanti Neurons for Secure Access
•Logging in to the Ivanti Neurons for Secure Access as a Tenant Admin
•Logging out of the Ivanti Neurons for Secure Access
Preparing to Log in
To log in to Ivanti Neurons for Secure Access (nSA), you require a Tenant Admin login.
All Tenant Admin accounts are set up by the Ivanti DevOps team. Once your Tenant Admin account has been created, you will receive an email which describes how to log in to the nSA as a Tenant Admin.
You can then proceed to log in to nSA. See Logging in to the Ivanti Neurons for Secure Access as a Tenant Admin.
Logging in to the Ivanti Neurons for Secure Access as a Tenant Admin
Before you can log in as a Tenant Admin, you will receive an email from the Ivanti DevOps team. This email contains:
- Your Tenant Admin user name.
- Your password.
- The nSA domain. That is, the FQDN of Ivanti Neurons for Secure Access.
- An Admin hyperlink to start the login process. Example: https://<tenant FQDN>/login/admin
To log in to your Tenant Admin account:
Click the hyperlink in your email.
The administrator login page appears.
Log in using your supplied Tenant Admin credentials. If you are logging in for the first time, system prompts for a password reset.
The following timeouts are used for all Admin sessions:
- The idle timeout is 10 minutes.
- The session timeout is 60 minutes.
To reset a forgotten password, click FORGOT PASSWORD. This link presents a credentials form through which you enter a Username and Email address. If the entered credentials match a registered administrator account, ICS emails a password reset link to the entered address allowing the recipient to create a new password.
If nSA requests it, specify a new password for your account.
Once this procedure is complete, you can access the nSA graphical interface as an admin user.
The Secure Access Setup page appears.
Click ‘9 dots’ on extreme left corner. Choose Ivanti Connect Secure. These two steps are required for every login.
From this page, you can view and configure all functions and capabilities allowed through your subscription and role. Using the Ivanti Connect Secure menu at the left-hand side, choose from:
The Show/Hide menu icon, providing the ability to show or collapse the Ivanti Connect Secure menu tree:
The Insights menu icon, providing access to the analytics and monitoring components of the nSA portal:
To learn more about the functionality offered by this menu, see Ivanti Connect Secure Gateway Analytics.
The Gateways menu icon, providing access to register and manage the Gateways:
The Administration menu icon, providing access to administrative functions related to your ICS subscription:
The chapters in this guide cover each of these functions in detail.
Changing the UI Theme
nSA offers two themes for your UI display:
To change the current theme, which remains in place through subsequent logins, use the Settings menu located on the top-right-corner of the page:
Through the Color Scheme panel (indicated), click Light or Dark to switch between themes.
Setting the Timezone
To configure the default timezone for this admin login account, use the Settings menu located on the top-right-corner of the page:
Choose a timezone in the provided drop-down selector, then click Apply.
The configured timezone affects the display of data on all Insights pages, and each admin login account within a tenant deployment has their own specific timezone configuration. Changes to the timezone persist across login sessions, and the default setting is UTC (Coordinated Universal Time).
Changing the timezone can affect the data displayed in each chart or graph. For example, a recently-observed non-compliance event involving a client device in the GMT timezone that appears in the Last Hour view (when using GMT (UTC + 00:00) as your configured timezone) might then only appear in the Last X Hours view when you switch your timezone to IST (UTC+05:30).
Configuring Session Timeouts
To configure timeout values for admin and user sessions, use the Settings menu located on the top-right-corner of the page:
Through the Session Settings panel (indicated), you can set the following timeout values:
- Admin Idle Timeout: the time, in minutes, after which the admin login session to the Tenant Admin Portal times out due to inactivity. (default: 10)
- Admin Max Session Length: the time, in minutes, after which the admin login session to the Tenant Admin Portal ends and must be re-authenticated. (default: 60)
- User Idle Timeout: the time, in minutes, after which the user login session to nSA times out due to inactivity. (default: 60)
- User Max Session Length: the time, in minutes, after which the login session to nSA ends and must be re-authenticated. (default: 720)
To apply your changes, click APPLY.
To use these settings, your configured Gateways must all meet minimum version requirements for session control. nSA disables the panel and displays a warning message if this is not the case.
Logging out of the Ivanti Neurons for Secure Access
To log out of the nSA and end the current session, click the Profile icon and select Logout.