
The nSA Controller does not support the use of the "/" character for configuring sign-in notifications on ICS. This limitation applies to the sign-in URL, authentication server creation, and other relevant settings across all nSA user interface pages, including characters such as: #, ?, /, \, %.

After importing the binary configuration in ICS Gateway, you must re-register the Gateway with nSA. For reregistration, see Tenant Admin Guide.

RBAC: If the tenant has both nSA and ZTA gateway, setting any common permissions while creating an Custom RBAC Admin Role applies to both nSA and ZTA gateway. For example, if custom admin role has modify permission for ZTA gateway then the same applies to nSA gateway also.

The ICS upgrade time from nSA depends on the network bandwidth and latency. If the downloading of package takes more than 4 hours then the upgrade process is marked as failed.

Cluster creation from nSA takes few minutes to create cluster and Add/Join members.

The time taken for Config Synchronization process from source to target Gateway depends on the configuration size.