Using an NIS Server

This topic describes integration with the NIS server.

NIS Server Overview

This section describes support for using PPS with the NIS server.

Understanding NIS Server

Network Information Service (NIS) is an authentication server that allows a central server to manage password authentication, hosts, services, and so on.

When you use an NIS server as the authentication and authorization service for your Pulse Secure access management framework, users can sign in to PPS using the same username and password that is used for the NIS server.

Feature Support

Pulse Secure access management framework supports the following NIS server features:

Password management feature enables users who access an NIS server to manage their policies defined on the NIS server.

Integrates NIS map data for passwords, groups, and hosts with corresponding objects in Active Directory.

Allows migration of NIS domains to Active Directory.

Interoperability Requirements and Limitations

The following limitations apply when defining and monitoring an NIS server instance:

You can only use NIS authentication with the system if your passwords are stored on the NIS server using Crypt or MD5 formats.

You can only add one NIS server configuration to the system, but you can use that configuration to authenticate any number of realms.

The username submitted to the system cannot contain two consecutive tilde symbols (~~).

Configuring Authentication with an NIS Server

To configure authentication with the NIS server:

1.Select Authentication > Auth.Servers

2.Select NIS Server and click New Server to display the configuration page.

3.Complete the configuration as described in table.

4.Save the configuration.




Specify a name to identify the server within the system.

NIS Server

Specify the name or IP address of the NIS server.

NIS Domain

Specify the domain name for the NIS server.