User Management

You can only edit the entries if you belong to the zeusafm Administrator user group or to another user group with appropriate user rights. You can edit your personal user data via the menu item My Profile.

vWAF uses single sign-on in combination with the Traffic Manager. Users who aren’t known by vWAF are added automatically, using the same username as in the Traffic Manager.

You can change the user group to which users are assigned who are added automatically. This is done via System Configuration (attribute “AdminAuthAutoAddUserGroup”).

The password that you can edit in User Management is ignored when vWAF is accessed via the Traffic Manager.


You can assign users to one or more of the following user groups (see also Organizational Integration):

  • Internal user group zeusafm Admin (vWAF Administrator)

    • Has all rights.
    • Can edit the rulesets for all applications without having to be assigned to these applications explicitly.
  • Internal user group Application Admin
    • Can only edit the rulesets of “his”/“her” applications.
    • Can only view the global vWAF configuration and not edit it. For example, the Application Administrator can’t create new applications, hosts, and users.
    • In the navigation area can only see “his”/“her” applications, but not necessarily all applications.
  • Internal user group PCI Auditor
    • Can view the entire configuration, except for application-specific log files and application-specific statistics.
    • Can’t change any configuration settings.
  • User defined user groups with fully customizable permissions

Deactivate the default account admin as soon as possible, or assign a secure password to this account and keep that password in a safe place.


To open User Management, select the menu item Administration > User Management.

Information displayed

Column Meaning


Username assigned.

Full Name

First name and family name of the person in question.


Email address of the person in question.


Activation status enabled or disabled. A deactivated user can no longer log in.

Last Login

Year, month, day and time of the last login.

Last Failed Login

Time of the last failed attempt to log in under the Username.


Links for editing and deleting the user.

Filtering the display

When you enter a string into the Filter users by field, the user list gets immediately filtered by this string.

The filter works with all columns of the table, not only with the “email” column.

You can for example use the filter as follows:

  • to find a particular user, enter his or her name
  • to list all users of a particular company, enter the company’s domain name as it appears in the email addresses
  • to list all users whose account was disabled, enter the sting “disabled”

Creating a new user

  1. Enter the username to be assigned underneath the list in the Add New User field. The person in question will need to log in using this username later on when opening the administration interface. This username also appears later on at different points within the user interface. For this reason, use a unique name that can be remembered easily and is as short as possible. The name is case sensitive. It can’t be changed later!
  2. Click the Create button. A page for editing the user data appears.


    Following these steps only creates a new user on the system. If you’ve assigned the user to the Application Admin user group, you then need to assign that user to one or more applications (see description below).

Editing a user

The page for editing user data appears either automatically when a new user is created, or after clicking the Edit icon in the Actions column.

You can access your own settings also directly via the menu item My Profile.

  1. Under Full Name, enter the first name and the family name of the relevant person.
  2. Activate the option Account Enabled if you want to enable the account to permit a login under the Username specified.
  3. Activate the Read-Only Account option if the person in question is only to be assigned read access – for example to be able to check statistics or log files. This person then can’t make any changes of any kind to the configuration.
  4. Under Email, enter the full email address of the person in question.
  5. Add the user to the Groups to which he or she shall belong: Select the appropriate group from the list and then click the Add button. Each group membership adds its specific permissions to the user.
    If you want to remove the user from a group, click the corresponding Delete icon.

    If you don’t add users to at least one group, they don’t have any permissions whatsoever and are therefore effectively unable to use the software.

  6. Assign a password in the New Password field. Follow your company’s specific guidelines with regard to assigning passwords, where applicable.
  7. Repeat the password in the Repeat Password field.
  8. Click the Save button and notify the assigned password to the person in question via a secure method.

Deleting log filters

When viewing log files, you can create and save filter sets in order to filter the display (see Log Files).

You can only delete filter sets that you’ve created yourself . You can’t delete filter sets of other users.

To delete one of your filter sets:

  1. Select the menu item My Profile, or go to user management and then click the Edit icon in the row of your username. This opens the Edit User page for your user account.
  2. On the Edit User page, go to the section Manage Log Filters.
  3. From the dropdown list, select the log filter that you want to delete.
  4. Click the Delete button. The filter now disappears from the list.

Deleting a user

To delete a user from vWAF:

  1. Select the menu item Administration > User Management to open User Management.
  2. Click the relevant Delete icon in the Actions column.