Ivanti Automation Team Membership (Change)

Use the Task Change Ivanti Automation Team Membership to add or remove Agents to Teams. This Task is typically used in combination with a Task Query in which an evaluator determines whether the succeeding Task Change Ivanti Automation Team Membership should be executed.


Suppose you want to add an Agent to the Team Office if Microsoft Office is installed on the Agent. You can achieve this by setting up a Module that contains the following:

  • A Task Query Installed Programs with an evaluator for Microsoft Office that fails the Query if it does not return results.
  • A Task Change Ivanti Automation Team Membership with a condition that executes the Task if the status of the previous Task is Completed. This Task adds the Agent to the Team Office.

When the Module is executed, the Agent(s) that execute the Module will be added to the Team Office if Microsoft Office is installed; if not, they will not be added to the Team.


  • You can add or remove Agents to or from multiple Teams at once.
  • When setting a specific Team as a primary Team, the Team option Automatically set as primary team for new members in any other Teams will be overruled.
  • If the Agent is added to multiple Teams for which the Team option Automatically set as primary team for new members has been set, the last Team in the list for which the option has been set will be the primary Team.
  • The button Set as primary team/Do not set as primary team is grayed out when removing Agents from a Team.
  • If you add an Agent to a Team of which it is already a member or if you remove an Agent from a Team of which it is not a member, the Task will be ignored.
  • If you remove an Agent from a Team whose membership is rule-based, the Task will fail.
  • With this Task it is not possible to add or remove Teams that are a member of other Teams.