Ivanti Automation Results (Delete, Export)

Use the Ivanti Automation Results Tasks to delete or to export Job results from the Datastore automatically.

  • With Delete Ivanti Automation Results, you can clean up the Datastore from Job results that are no longer relevant, for example because they have become obsolete through Snapshot Intelligence or because they are the results of recurring Jobs.
  • With Export Ivanti Automation Results, you can export Job results to XML files. This allows you to back up results for review purposes. This Task is especially useful in combination with the Task Delete Ivanti Automation Results, in which you first back up certain results by exporting them to zipped XML files, and then clean up the Datastore by deleting them.

In these Tasks, you can delete or export results from the Datastore based on a combination of criteria:

  • The type of Job that was performed (recurring/non-recurring)
  • The relevance of the Job results (actual results/results that have become obsolete through Snapshot Intelligence)
  • The Agent(s)/Team(s) that executed the Job
  • The period in which the Jobs were executed


  • When specifying Job type, Recurring includes Jobs that were scheduled as Recurring, Schedule using Cron and After every boot; Non-recurring includes Jobs that were executed only once.
  • When specifying Agents:
    • select Agent(s) to include the Job results of the specified Agent(s) only. This includes Jobs that were scheduled on Teams of which the Agent(s) are a member.
    • select All Agents to include the Job results of all Agent(s).
    • select Team Jobs to include the results of Jobs that were scheduled on the specified Team(s) only.
    • select Team members to include the results of Jobs that were scheduled on Agents that are member of the specified Team(s) only. Team members are resolved when the Task Delete Ivanti Automation Results or Export Ivanti Automation Results is executed.
  • When specifying the Period, Local time means the local time on the Agent that executes the Job.
  • In the Task Export Ivanti Automation results:
    • With Export overview results, you can create an XML file with a general overview of the results.
    • With Export detailed results, you can create an XML file with a detailed overview of the results. If you also select Export overview results, Ivanti Automation will create one XML file that first gives a general overview of the results and then a detailed overview.
    • With Export results per Agent, you can create a separate XML file for each Agent that executed the Job, including the name of the Agent. This is useful when you want to keep a separated administration for each Agent.
    • Results are exported to XML files, after which they are saved in a ZIP file. The number of XML files that are created depends on the scope criteria.
    • By default, the ZIP file of the results is saved on the local hard drive of the Agent that executes the Job.
      • When using environment variables in the save location, it is not recommended to use %userprofile%, because Agents generally use the local service account to execute Jobs.
    • You can verify whether the desired results are exported by comparing the XML files with the results at Jobs > Job History or on the Job History tab of the specified Agent(s) or Team(s).
  • When a Task Delete Ivanti Automation Job results has been executed, its results show how many esults were deleted and how many Agent results: if a Job was scheduled on multiple Agents and you delete the results of one of these Agents, this does not delete the results for the entire Job, but only the results for that Agent.
  • The execution of these Tasks may cause a heavy load on your database server, depending on the scope of the Tasks and the amount of results in the Datastore.
  • The automatic deletion of results may affect change paths for Snapshot Intelligence.