Installing Ivanti Automation
Besides installing Ivanti Automation manually, you can also install Ivanti Automation unattended using a command line. This is useful if you need to install Ivanti Automation on several computers at once.
1. Installing Ivanti Automation unattended and connecting to an existing Datastore
If you want to install Ivanti Automation unattended and a Datastore already exists, you can choose to connect the Console to this Datastore as part of the installation. To do so, apply the following public properties to the Ivanti Automation Installer file:
Property |
Functionality |
Specifies whether a new database should be created using the values below. When connecting to an existing Datastore, use No. |
Specifies the database type (either MSSQL, MSSQLAZURE, or DB2). |
Specifies the database server that Ivanti Automation should connect to. |
Specifies the database name that Ivanti Automation should connect to. |
Specifies the database user name that Ivanti Automation should use to connect to the database. |
Specifies the database password that Ivanti Automation should use to connect to the database. |
Specifies whether protocol encryption should be used when connecting to Microsoft SQL Server. Values are: Disabled, EnabledWithoutValidateCertificate, or EnableWithValidateCertificate. The default is EnableWithValidateCertificate. Note that additional Consoles and Dispatchers inherit the database protocol encryption settings used by the Console deploying them. If a source Console has DBPROTOCOLENCRYPTION disabled, a deployed component will default to having DBPROTOCOLENCRYPTION disabled. If a source Console has DBPROTOCOLENCRYPTION enabled, a deployed Console will have the same, and Dispatchers will default to EnableWithValidateCertificate, the safest of the two enabled encryption options. |
Msiexec /i "c:\Ivanti Automation" DBCREATE="No" DBTYPE="MSSQL" DBSERVER="SQLSERVER01" DBNAME="AutomationDB" DBUSER="AutomationDBUser" DBPASSWORD="Aut0m@t10nDBP@55w0rd" DBPROTOCOLENCRYPTION="Disabled" /qn
2. Installing Ivanti Automation unattended and creating a new Datastore
If you want to install Ivanti Automation unattended and a Datastore does not yet exist, you can choose to create a new Datastore and connect the Console to this Datastore as part of the installation. To do so, apply the public properties mentioned above AND additionally:
Property |
Functionality |
Specifies whether a new database should be created. When creating a new Datastore, use Yes. |
Specifies the database user name that should be used to create the new database, for example 'sa'. |
Specifies the database password that should be used to create the new database. |
Specifies a license file (including full path) to be imported after creating a new database (optional). |
Specifies if, during the evaluation period, Ivanti Automation should have all features available (FULL), or only the features supporting Ivanti products (STANDARD). Values are FULL or STANDARD (default is FULL) (optional). |
In this scenario, the following will be created:
- a new database (the value for DBNAME)
- a new database user (the value for DBUSER)
- a password for the user (the value for DBPASSWORD)
Msiexec /i "c:\Ivanti Automation" DBCREATE="Yes" DBTYPE="MSSQL" DBSERVER="SQLSERVER01" DBNAME="AutomationDB" DBUSER="AutomationDBUser" DBPASSWORD="Aut0m@t10nDBP@55w0rd" DBPROTOCOLENCRYPTION="Disabled" DBCREATEUSER="SA" DBCREATEPASSWORD="SAPassword" DBIMPORTLICENSE="C:\Program Files\RES Software\Automation Manager\WMC\licensefile.xml" /qn
For Microsoft Azure SQL database systems, it is not possible to create a new database that Ivanti Automation can use as its Datastore during an unattended Ivanti Automation installation.
What is possible, is:
3. Installing Ivanti Automation unattended, connect to an existing (empty) database and convert it to a Ivanti Automation Datastore
If you want to install Ivanti Automation unattended and a Datastore does not yet exist, you can also choose to connect to an existing (empty) database, convert it to a Ivanti Automation Datastore and connect the Console to this Datastore as part of the installation. To do so, apply the following public properties to the Ivanti Automation Installer file:
Property |
Functionality |
Specifies (in this scenario) whether the database should be converted into a Datastore. Use Yes. |
Specifies the database type (either MSSQL, MSSQLAZURE, or DB2). |
Specifies the database server that Ivanti Automation should connect to. |
Specifies the database name that Ivanti Automation should connect to. |
Specifies the database user name (owner) that should be used to convert the database. |
Specifies the password for the DBCREATEUSER that Ivanti Automation should use to convert the database. |
Specifies the database user name that Ivanti Automation should use to connect to the database. |
Specifies the password for the DBUSER that Ivanti Automation should use to connect to the database. |
Specifies a license file (including full path) to be imported after creating a new database (optional). |
Specifies if, during the evaluation period, Ivanti Automation should have all features available (FULL), or only the features supporting Ivanti products (STANDARD). Values are FULL or STANDARD (default is FULL) (optional). |
During unattended installation, this method can only be used for Microsoft Azure SQL or DB2 databases. If you want to apply the same principle to other database systems, you can connect to the empty database from the Management Console after installation has completed.
Msiexec /i "c:\Ivanti Automation" DBTYPE="MSSQLAZURE" DBSERVER="" DBNAME="AutomationDB" DBCREATE="Yes" DBCREATEUSER="DBAdmin" DBCREATEPASSWORD="DBAdminPassword" DBUSER="AutomationDBUser" DBPASSWORD="Aut0m@t10nDBP@55w0rd" DBEVALMODE="STANDARD" /qn
You can use all other parameters of msiexec in the command line as well.