Web Service (Invoke)

With the Invoke Web Service Task, you can communicate with a remote Web Service and, depending on the Web Service, use it to perform specific actions.

The Task may be scheduled on any Agent, as long as the Agent is able to reach the web service.


  • Use the WSDL field to specify the WSDL file (also files with extensions other than .WSDL are allowed).
    • To specify a WSDL that is stored on a file share, click Browse button. If the share requires authentication, you will be prompted for credentials.
    • To access a WSDL from a URL, specify the URL in the WSDL field and specify the required security credentials in the Security context field.
  • Use the Security context field to specify any required security credentials. These may contain parameters and/or variables. Security credentials are only required:
    • When accessing a WSDL file from URL.
    • When clicking the Test button.
    • When the Task is performed by the Agent.
  • After the WSDL file has been loaded successfully, the credentials will be remembered and all other fields will be cleared (Web Service Host, Method and Description).
  • When clicking the Cancel button while the WSDL file is loading, the credentials will be remembered and all other fields will be cleared.
  • After browsing to the URL for the WSDL contract or opening a WSDL file the methods available are automatically enumerated from the WSDL. When a method is selected, the Description field (if available) and the Parameter(s) form are filled automatically. It is possible to use Ivanti Automation parameters as Value in the Parameter(s) form.
  • Select the Authentication Type you want to use. Supported types are: Basic Authentication, No Authentication, Negotiate Authorization, and NTLM User Authentication.
    Pre-2020.x versions supported Basic Authentication, if security context was used, and No Authentication, if no security context was used.
  • You can use WSDL files that reference the web service host using a global variable. This allows for flexibility in using the configuration based on this task in other environments that make use of the same web service. Just make sure the other environment has the same Ivanti Automation global variable, with the value of another web service instance host. The Ivanti Automation Console and Ivanti Automation Agent+ will make use of the variable value while using the Test button or running the job.
  • The Timeout option can be used in situations where big workloads are generated through the task, and the default of 60 seconds isn't enough. Use this option to avoid the task failing because of a timeout.
  • Use the Test button to check if the Web Service is available and the parameters are set correctly.
  • Use Set parameter with web results to place the response of the Web Service request into a parameter, for use in another Task in the Module (e.g. a Query).
    • Use Return as to select the format of the value that will be placed into the parameter:
      • XML: This is the default setting. The parameter will be filled with the response message received from the Web Service host.
      • Table: The response message received from the Web Service host will be analyzed and a comma delimited file will be generated excluding a header row. The parameter will be filled with the contents of the comma delimited file.
      • Table with headers: The response message received from the Web Service host will be analyzed and a comma delimited file will be generated including a header row. The parameter will be filled with the contents of the comma delimited file.
  • If one of the Return as options Table or Table with headers is selected, the response message will be analyzed as follows:
    • The contents of the Soap:Body node will be extracted.
    • The rows of the comma delimited file will be determined by the children of the Soap:Body node.
    • The columns of the comma delimited file will be determined by the children of each row. The header of the column (if required when selecting the option Table with headers) will be the name of the node of the first row.

Known Limitations

The Invoke Web Service Task only supports single name spaces in SOAP messages. All contents in the SOAP message need to be in that name space. SOAP- and WSDL-based Web Services using multiple name spaces are not supported.