E-mail (Send)

Use the Task Send E-mail to send e-mails, including attachments, using SMTP.

This Task is especially useful when combined with other Tasks in a Module. For example, if a Module contains a Task Create Exchange Mailbox, you can use the Task Send E-mail to send an e-mail to this mailbox once it has been created. You can also use this Task to send e-mail notifications when another Task fails, by configuring conditions.

This Task is closely related to the global setting Send mail message:

  • With the global setting Send mail message, you can specify whether Ivanti Automation sends an e-mail for every Job that is executed.
  • With the Task Send E-mail, you can send an e-mail only for the Job in which the Task is included.


  • The server is the mail server that sends the e-mail. By default, SMTP uses Port 25.
  • When the option SSL Enabled is selected, the e-mail message is sent over SSL when executed on the Agent+. When executed on a legacy Agent (and the option SSL is enabled), the Task will fail. The communication of the SMTP server only supports Explicit SSL.
  • In the Security Context field, provide the credentials for the e-mail address specified in the Sender field.
  • Use the Priority field to select a priority other than the default of Normal. In the Sensitivity field you can select (None), Personal, Private, or Company-confidential.
  • You can use wildcard characters when attaching files.