Install Agents embedded using Prepare for Image

Agents can also be installed embedded. This is useful if you use images to roll out new computers in your network.

Images are commonly used to install new computers in a network. By including an Agent in the image, you can deploy new Agents that are identical copies of the original Agent when a new computer is installed using the image. After installation, the Agent will start automatically and register itself in the Datastore with its new computer name. Optionally, you can specify Projects for the Agent in the image, which will then be executed by the new Agent when it connects to a Dispatcher. This functionality is also available for Ivanti Automation Agents for Unix/Linux.

When you create an image, RES recommends keeping it as "clean" as possible. It should only contain the Operating System, an Agent, and other necessary system components.

  1. Install the Agent on the computer that you want to use to create an image. Prepare this Agent for imaging by using the Prepare for Image wizard. You can find this wizard in the lower-left corner of the Properties tab of the new Agent.
  2. Click Next to continue the wizard.
  3. Optionally, you can select the Projects that need to be invoked when the new Agent starts and connects to a Dispatcher. You can select multiple Projects.
  4. Click Next to continue the wizard.
  5. Click Finish to complete the wizard and to prepare the Agent for imaging.
  6. The Agent will now be prepared for imaging. It will be removed from the Agent list in the Console. If you install a new computer by using the new image, the Agent will start automatically and it will register itself in the Datastore with its new computer name. After that, it will execute any pre-selected Project.

If you prepare an Agent for imaging, it will no longer be available in the Console.

Ivanti Automation supports VMWare Horizon (8) Instant Clones.

Using Prepared4Embedded

A drawback of the Prepare for Image method is that the Prepare for Image wizard automatically preconfigures the Agent in the image to connect to a specific Ivanti Automation site (by using the GUID of the Ivanti Automation site.) Instead of relying on the identifier of an Ivanti Automation site, you can also use the Ivanti Automation site.

To do this, set the following registry entry:


  • HKEY_LOCAL_computer\SOFTWARE\RES\AutomationManager\Agent (32-bit)
  • HKEY_LOCAL_computer\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\RES\AutomationManager\Agent (64-bit)



Data Type



Name of Ivanti Automation environment

When you now install a new Agent by using the image, the new Agent will start automatically and starts looking for a Ivanti Automation environment that matches this name. When it finds the Ivanti Automation environment, the Agent will register itself in the Datastore and execute any pre-selected Project.