Install Dispatchers

After you installed the Console and connected to a Datastore, you need to deploy your Dispatchers. Dispatchers handle all communication between the Datastore and the Agents. Dispatchers also cache all Resources from the Datastore, thereby lightening the load on the Datastore.

  • Dispatchers require Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8.
  • The Datastore contains a 32-bit and a 64-bit version of the Dispatcher installation file.
  • When you deploy a Dispatcher from the Console, Ivanti Automation will automatically use the correct installation file for 32-bit and 64-bit Microsoft Windows versions.
  • The default installation folder of Dispatchers is C:\Program Files\Ivanti\Automation\Dispatcher.
  • Dispatchers can also be installed manually by saving the component as an MSI file (at Administration > Components) or unattended via the command line. Please refer to the Help (F1) or Ivanti Automation Administration Guide.

Deploy a Dispatcher

  1. Open the Console and go to Topology > Dispatchers.
  2. Click New in the command bar. This opens the Push Deployment window.
  3. Select the target computer(s). You can do this by clicking Browse button to browse your network, but you can also directly specify the host name, FQDN, or IP-address in the Target Computer(s) field.
  4. If you select computers by browsing, select the target computer. You can make multiple selections. Alternatively, you can choose to scan all computers in a specific IP-range.
  5. Click Deploy now.
  6. Specify the user name and password for the computer(s) on which the Dispatcher is deployed. This user account requires administrative privileges, because it must have installation permissions.

You can view the deployment progression in the Push Deployment window. When deploying, the system will check if the correct operating system and/or framework is running on the relevant machine. If not, the installation process will stop and a message is shown.

If a deployment is successful, it shows 100% in the column completed successfully. When the deployed Dispatcher starts, it will be shown in the Dispatchers node of the Console. New Dispatchers that are deployed from the Console always take on the Global Settings (Setup > Global Settings). If necessary, you can edit these settings for individual Dispatchers after their deployment.

The deployment of Dispatchers on 64-bit devices requires the installation of the 64-bit version of the necessary database drivers on these devices. The other components of Ivanti Automation use the 32-bit version of these database drivers. If it is not possible to use both versions on the same 64-bit device simultaneously, it is not possible to use a Console and a Dispatcher on this device that both point to the same Datastore.