Installation procedure

Ivanti Automation is designed to install the various components in a certain order:

  1. Install Ivanti Automation using the Ivanti Automation Installer (Ivanti Automation <version>.msi). This installs the first Console. From there, all the other components can be installed.
  2. Create the Datastore.
  3. Install the Management Portal and connect to Datastore.
  4. Set up and configure your environment (please refer to the Help for more information):
    • Set up security access for the Console and Management Portal (at Administration > Security).
    • Configure the global settings (at Setup > Global Settings) for tuning your Ivanti Automation site. It is important to configure the global settings before you install Dispatcher and Agents, because most of these settings are related to Dispatchers and Agents. If necessary, you can make exceptions to the global settings for individual Dispatchers and Agents after their installation.
    • Import and register the licenses (at Setup > Licensing).
  5. Deploy at least one Dispatcher.
  6. Deploy Agents.
  7. If necessary, deploy additional Consoles.

After you install Ivanti Automation, you can also install additional Ivanti Connectors. These Ivanti Connectors contain one or more Add-ons to integrate with third party software. For more information and downloads, visit the Ivanti Marketplace at

  • Ivanti Automation contains Third Party Software components that are not digitally signed.
  • Ivanti Automation installation files are signed with certificates. Microsoft Windows tries to verify a certificate’s validity before installing software products. This process (Certificate Revocation List (CRL)) is run to check to see if a certificate was revoked because it was expired or compromised. This process is not unique to Ivanti and is something that happens for any product that contains a certificate and is run on Microsoft Windows (unless CRL is turned off which is not recommended by Microsoft). It is also possible under specific cases that a CRL check is done during process startup.
    • On computers without Internet access, the CRL validation may cause a delay of, for example, 20-30 seconds before an installation starts. This is by design of Microsoft Windows. To avoid this delay to occur, make sure machines can connect to the Internet. If this is not possible, implement a (manual/automatic) distribution system to keep the publisher's certificate revocation lists up to date.