Manual installation

This chapter covers the manual installation of the Agents for Unix/Linux. The installation procedure is similar for all supported versions.


  1. Transfer the installation package of the Agent to the target machine.
  2. On the target machine, log in as root.
  3. Change the working directory to the location of the installation package by typing the following command in a Terminal window:
    cd /root
  4. Use the following command to install the Agent:

    Red Hat

    rpm –ivh <package name>-<version number>.<architecture>.rpm


    rpm –ivh <package name>-<version number>.<architecture>.rpm


    rpm –ivh <package name>-<version number>.<architecture>.rpm


    Sudo dpkg –i <package name>-<version number>.<architecture>.deb


    pkgadd -d <package name>-<version number>

    For example: rpm -ivh res-one-automation-agent-7.5-1.246575.x86_64.rpm (on SUSE)


Use the following command to configure the Agent to start automatically:

Red Hat

chkconfig --add resamad


chkconfig --add resamad




sudo update-rc.d resamad defaults


cd /var/svc/manifest/application/management
svccfg import resamad.xml

  1. Change the working directory to /usr/local/bin by typing the following command:
    cd /usr/local/bin

Start the Agent for the first time and connect it to a known and operational Ivanti Automation Dispatcher. To do so, type the following command:

./resamad –dd<Dispatcher IP or hostname>.

When prompted, select a discovered Ivanti Automation environment. Use this setting when using multicast in your Ivanti Automation environment. See Prerequisites and General Guidelines.

  1. After this, the Agent will register itself in the node Topology > Agents of the Ivanti Automation Console.
  2. Stop the Agent and restart it via the official start/stop script, which correctly initializes the Agent:

    Red Hat

    /etc/init.d/resamad stop
    /etc/init.d/resamad start


    /etc/init.d/resamad stop
    /etc/init.d/resamad start


    /etc/rc.d/rc2.d/K90resamad stop

    /etc/rc.d/rc2.d/S90resamad start


    /etc/init.d/resamad stop

    /etc/init.d/resamad start


    svcadm disable resamad

    svcadm enable resamad

    To check whether the Agent is running (enabled or disabled):

    svcs resamad

After this, the Agent will automatically start each time the machine on which it runs is booted. If, however, you need to stop and start the Agent manually, please use the official start/stop commands.

NOTE: If the Agent is not started as a service, the stop service command will not work as this is by design on Linux/Unix systems.
This can cause issues when removing or updating the Agent, because the Agent process (resamad) will not be stopped if it was not started as a service. Make sure that the process it is not running after uninstalling the agent.

The configuration of the Agent is stored in /etc/res/resamad.xml. This file contains all necessary information for an Agent to connect to the Ivanti Automation environment. Instead of manual Agent configuration, you can also place a preconfigured resamad.xml file on each Agent.