Set up Remote Assistance


  • Mode: When setting up Remote Assistance, you can choose between three different modes:
    • Allow helpers to only view the computer: users belonging to a specified helper group can only view the computer of other users; they cannot make any changes.
    • Allow helpers to remotely control the computer: users belonging to a specified helper group can make changes to the computer of other users.
    • Do not allow helpers to remote control or view the computer: disables Remote Assistance.
  • Helper groups: Users belonging to a specified helper group must have access to the Management Console and they must at least have Read permissions to the nodes Setup > Integration > Remote Assistance and Diagnostics > User Sessions.
  • Automatically configure Windows Firewall: If your infrastructures use a firewall, its settings need to be adjusted to allow Remote Assistance functionality. Select this option to let Automation do this for you.
  • Microsoft Remote Assistance must be enabled on the computer of the helper and on the remote computer.
  • To use Remote Assistance from Windows Server to a Workstation, the Remote Assistance feature must be installed.