User Sessions security

With the security restrictions on User Sessions, you can restrict users to a single Workspace Control session at a time. This improves the performance of your application servers and allows you to manage license usage. It also prevents issues with locked data in a user's home folder, which sometimes occurs when a user tries to access the same data from two sessions simultaneously.

When users try to start a second Workspace Control session, a message shows that they already have an active session, and are not allowed another session. This message can be configured.

  • Allow end users to log on more than once from the same workstation allows the user to start different applications that are located at different Terminal Servers in the same Workspace Control session. For example, this allows the user to start Microsoft Office at Terminal Server A and a financial application at Terminal Server B in the same Workspace Control session.
  • If the option Allow end users to end/disconnect an already active session is enabled, end users can end the previous session and proceed with the logon in the second location. If the option Show list of applications in the already active session is enabled, they can see which applications are still open in the active session. This can be useful, because any unsaved data in the active session will be lost.

You can find User Sessions security at Security > User Sessions.