
Multiple languages that can be used in your Workspace Control environment. Multilingual support in Workspace Control is primarily based on the Language Packs provided by Microsoft with Windows. These Language Packs offer different languages for all Workspace Control components, that end-users can select from their Workspace Preferences menu. For more details, see Workspace Preferences.

By mapping languages to a Language Pack, end-users are presented with a choice of additional languages besides those available in Language Packs. This allows the configuration of environmental variables or registry settings that can be used to base applications on the language selection of end-users.

To map a language to a Language Pack, follow these steps:

  1. In the Workspace Control Console, navigate to User Context > Languages.

  2. In the right-side pane, select a Language Pack from the Installed LanguagePacks list.

  3. Check the Enable mapping of language to LanguagePack option.
    This displays a list of available languages.

  4. Check the box next to the desired language under the Language column.
    The language is now mapped to the selected LanguagePack.

    (click the image to enlarge it)

  5. (Optional) Configure additional language-to-LanguagePack mappings.

  6. Click on Save Settings in the top menu.