
The IgnoreClientIPAddress registry setting allows Workspace Control to ignore a specific IP address or IP address range when sending the client IP address to the Datastore.

(click the image to enlarge it)

The client IP address is visible in the Workspace Control Console, under Diagnostics > User Sessions, in the right-side pane, under the TS Client IP address column. After configuring the IgnoreClientIPAddress, the ignored IP address is not visible in the Workspace Control Console.

The registry setting must be configured with the digit groups of the IP address to ignore. The following scenarios can be configured:

  • A specific IP address.
    For example, to ignore IP address, configure IgnoreClientIPAddress with value in its Data field. This ignores the specified IP address.

  • Only the first digit group.
    For example, to ignore IP addresses that start with 192, configure IgnoreClientIPAddress with value 192 in its Data field. This ignores all IP addresses of format 192.XXX.XXX.XXX.

  • The first two digit groups.
    For example, to ignore IP addresses that start with 192.168, configure IgnoreClientIPAddress with value 192.168 in its Data field. This ignores all IP addresses of format 192.168.XXX.XXX.

  • The first three digit groups.
    For example, to ignore IP addresses that start with 192.168.14, configure IgnoreClientIPAddress with value 192.168.14 in its Data field. This ignores all IP addresses of format 192.168.14.XXX.

Only a single IP address can be configured for the registry setting. Therefore, only a single IP address or range is ignored by Workspace Control.

Ignoring a client IP address is useful in scenarios when Workspace Control uses the incorrect IP address. For example, when attempting to ping Agents using the Ping the user's workstation option from within the Workspace Control Console during a managed session that runs a VPN connection. In this scenario, Workspace Control detects the wrong IP address and pinging the user's workstation results in timeout. To correct this behavior, configure the IgnoreClientIPAddress to ignore the wrong client IP address.
For more details on this specific scenario, see this KB article.

Create the following string value to configure Workspace Control to ignore the specified IP address.


  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\RES\Workspace Manager (32-bit)

  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\RES\Workspace Manager (64-bit)






<XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX> (digit groups of the IP address or range to ignore)

Introduced in Ivanti Workspace Control 2021.2 (version