Relay Server Local cache

During the configuration of a Relay Server for a Workspace Control environment you can override the default cache location (%ProgramData%\Ivanti\Relay Server). By default, this cache store closes when there is less than 500Mb of free disk space remaining. The store opens again when the available disk space increases with 10% (to 550 Mb), which takes into account that a cache stage may be needed.

When the cache store is closed the Workspace Control environment will be disabled on that Relay Server and clients will not be able to connect to the Relay Server for their cache data. The environment will be shown as disabled in the Relay Server Configuration Tool.

You can manually configure the value for the amount of free disk space.

  • Open the registry editor and go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\RES\Workspace Manager\RelayServer.
  • Create a new DWORD Value: MinimumFreeDiskSpace
  • Enter a value (Mb).