Performance Monitor

To analyze the performance of a Workspace Control Relay Server, the following Performance counters are available in the Microsoft Windows Performance Monitor.


Counter name


Counter type

RES ONE Workspace Caching

#cache cycles

Total number of cache cycles executed


RES ONE Workspace Caching

Average time in seconds per cache cycle

Average duration per cache cycle execution, in seconds


RES ONE Workspace Transactions

# transactions processed

Total number of transactions processed


RES ONE Workspace Transactions

# transactions queued

Total number of transactions queued


RES ONE Workspace Transactions

Average time in seconds per transaction

Average duration per transaction execution, in seconds


RES Communication Server

#bytes/sec received

Number of bytes received per second


RES Communication Server

#bytes/sec sent

Number of bytes send per second


RES Communication Server

#concurrent connections

Number of concurrent connections


RES Communication Server


Number of connections per second


RES Communication Server


Number of operations per second


RES Communication Server

Average connection time in seconds

Average connection time, in seconds


RES Communication Server

Average operation execution time in seconds

Average operation execution time, in seconds


RES Data Access

#db clients active

Total number of db clients active


When adding RES ONE Workspace Caching counters to the performance monitor, each Workspace Control environment that is hosted on the Relay Server will be displayed as relay server [<port>]{<EnvGuid>}, where EnvGuid stands for the unique Environment ID as specified on the Settings tab at Administration > Relay Servers in the Management Console. You can choose to add All instances (= Workspace Control environments) at once, or just add one single environment.

RES ONE Workspace Transactions counters are specified in the same manner. So you can choose to add All instances or just a single environment. The Performance Monitor legend will display relay server[<port>]{<EnvGuid>}.

RES Communication Server counters can only be added per server. This is shown as: relay server [<port>].

The RES Data Access counter is a general-purpose counter that monitors connections to the Datastore. No further selection is required.

These performance counters can be monitored from both local and remote machines.