
The Errors node shows information about the errors that occurred in your environment:

  • To view the properties of an event, right-click it and then select Properties in the context menu.
  • To clear the log, right-click in the event log and then select Clear.
    A confirmation prompt appears.

Search engine

By default, the first 100 log entries are automatically shown when clicking Search. When the option Show last 100 entries only is not checked, the log view will be cleared. You can then search for the desired log entries.

Clicking the More button allows you to group your search (Group By) or specify a Date / Time Filter for your search. The # incidents at the bottom of the overview is dynamic.

Summarizing repeating entries

  • If an error is logged 60 times or more within an hour on a single Agent, logging of the individual occurrences of the error is suspended and the following entry is logged:
    "Start summarizing error <error number> as it was logged 60 times since <time of first occurrence>"
  • As long as the error keeps occurring 60 times or more within an hour on that Agent, the following entry is logged once per hour:
    "Summary of error <error number>: logged <amount> times since <time summarizing started or time of previous summary>"
  • When the frequency of the error drops below 60 times per hour, the following entry is logged:
    "Stop summarizing error <error number> as it was logged only <amount> times since <time summarizing started or time of previous summary>"
    Logging individual occurrences for that error is then resumed.
  • The summarizing mechanism is in place as long as the Workspace Control Agent Service is running on the Agent that is generating the errors. If the Workspace Control Agent Service is stopped while one or more errors are being summarized, the following entry is logged for each of these errors:
    "Closed summary of error <error number>: logged <amount> times since <time summarizing started or time of previous summary>"