Removable Disks

Removable Disks is configured at Security > Data > Removable Disks. With security restrictions on Removable Disks, you can secure the use of removable disks in Workspace Control sessions that run on a local computer. Using Access Control, you can give only specific users on specific locations specific permissions to use removable disks. This allows you to increase the security of your organization by preventing unauthorized users from, for example, copying sensitive corporate data to and from floppy disks, DVD/CD disks, USB sticks, FireWire drives, etc., or accidentally infecting the system network with viruses and other malware.

Standard DVD/CD writing functionality of Microsoft Windows is also managed by Removable Disks. Specific DVD/CD writing software and software needed to connect to removable media such as smartphones, can be managed with Managed Applications.

Removable Disks supports the use of USB hubs.

Export log to CSV file

To export the information found under the Log tab as a CSV file, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Workspace Control Console and navigate to Security > Data > Removable Disks > Log tab.

  2. Right-click on any entry and then select Export to file from the context-menu.

  3. Select a location where to save the CSV file, enter an appropriate name for the file and then select Save.

Export log using the command line

Security logs can also be exported using the pwrtech command line:

pwrtech.exe /exportlog /type=remdisk /output=<output filepath> [/outputtype=csv] [/start=<start date>] [/end=<end date>]

/outputtype, /start and /end are optional parameters. If /outputtype is not specified, then the security logs are exported as XML files instead of CSV files.

Replace the following with the appropriate values:

  • <output filepath> — Enter the full filepath where to save the CSV or XML file.
    For example: C:\export\removable_disks.csv.

  • <start date> — Enter the start date to export log entries starting with the specified date.
    The format for date is YYYYMMDD. For example: 20161130.

  • <end date> — Enter the end date to export log entries up to the specified date.
    The format for date is YYYYMMDD. For example: 20180523.

For example:
pwrtech.exe /exportlog /type=remdisk /output=C:\export\removable_disks.csv /outputtype=csv /start=20161130 /end=20180523

Introduced in Ivanti Workspace Control 2021.2 (version