
In the Desktop background picture section you can:

  • Select a picture (for example, your company logo) as well as the placement of that picture. The Microsoft Windows Microsoft Shell supports BMP and JPG formats for the desktop. The Workspace Control Shell supports BMP, GIF, ICO, JPG formats. Make sure all bitmaps are available as desktop picture resources. If you do not select a picture, the standard Workspace Control logo will be used.
    • In a session running on an operating system that does not support the configured Picture placement, the system reverts to an alternative picture placement. On Windows 8 and later, the alternative is Center; on Windows Vista and earlier it is Stretched.
    • With the option Use %deskpic% environment variable to determine picture file name, you can configure different desktop pictures in different contexts. See Environment Variables for more information. See the Workspace Control Help for configuration details.
      • The picture that is used with the variable is stored in the resources and is therefore always available.

In the Default desktop colors section you can select a default background and text color for your environment. To force the desktop colors in user sessions, the Lockdown and Behavior option Hide "Change Desktop Colors" in Workspace Preferences (forces default colors) must be selected. By not selecting this option, the desktop colors that the user selects in his Workspace Preferences tool take precedence over the default colors configured at Composition > Desktop > Background.

A changed Text color at Composition > Desktop > Background will not work in combination with the Microsoft Windows Shell.