
At the Screensaver section, you can take control of the screensaver in user sessions. A user then cannot change its configuration. Next to that, you can set:

  • A screensaver background image. The Microsoft Shell only supports BMP images for the screensaver. The Workspace Control Shell supports BMP and other formats. Make sure all bitmaps are available as screensaver image resources. By clicking the Image button, you can add a picture to the screensaver image resources.
  • A variable screensaver picture. Select the option Use %saverpic% variable... to define via the Workspace Control environmental variable %saverpic% what pictures need to be used for what groups (OUs, Zones, Workspace Containers, etc.).

When a mandatory timeout for the screensaver is set, the user can no longer set this time in his Workspace Preferences tool.

When a VDX session is started from a Workspace Control session, the screensaver of the client will be used by default. It is possible to force the use of the Workspace Control session screensaver by setting the registry value NoAgentScreenSaver.