Lockdown and Behavior

Once the appearance of the Desktop has been set, you can hide/disable/remove specific settings in order to secure it fully.

Lockdown options can be set related to:

  • Workspace Composer: hide/disable/remove options related to the Workspace Composer (irrespective of the shell used).
  • Start Menu and Taskbar: hide/disable/remove specific Start Menu and Taskbar options from either the Windows shell, the Workspace Control shell or both shells.
  • Personalization by end user: hide/limit specific options in Printing Preferences and Workspace Preferences.
  • Windows Explorer: hide/disable/remove specific options from the Windows Explorer application.
  • Microsoft Windows Shell: hide/disable/remove specific options from the Windows Operating System.
  • Workspace Control Shell: determine specific behavior for the Workspace Control Shell.

Optionally you can enter (part of) a keyword in the Instant Search field to find the setting you need.

Certain options in Lockdown and Behavior are always evaluated by Workspace Control, even if Lockdown and Behavior is Disabled.

  • Options marked with Gear are always evaluated and, if selected, applied.
  • Options marked with Lock are only evaluated if Lockdown and Behavior is enabled. If Lockdown and Behavior is disabled, these options are grayed out.

Available options

Workspace Composer



Always hide "Sign Out" in context menu

Hides the context menu option Sign Out.

Always hide "Refresh Workspace"

Hides this item in the Start Menu and context menus.

Ignore "Autolaunch at session start" when starting a published application session

Prevents applications that are configured to "Autolaunch at session start" from starting up when starting a published application session.

Do not reload user information when refreshing Workspace

Skips reloading user information when a Workspace is refreshed. In situations where it takes a long time to retrieve a user's group membership after a refresh, this option may significantly speed up the refresh of the Workspace.

  • If the option is selected, the option Refresh (Reload user information) will be added to the Diagnostics tab of the user's Workspace Preferences tool. This enables the user to reload this information manually.
  • If you force a refresh of a User Workspace (at Diagnostics > User Sessions), the Workspace Composer will always reload the user information, even if the option Do not reload user information when refreshing Workspace is selected.

Do not reload Computer OU membership information when refreshing Workspace

Skips reloading computer OU membership information when a Workspace is refreshed. In situations where it takes a long time to retrieve a computer's OU membership after a refresh, this option may significantly speed up the refresh of the Workspace.

  • If you force a refresh of a User Workspace (at Diagnostics > User Sessions), the Workspace Composer will always reload the computer OU membership information, even if the option Do not reload Computer OU membership information when refreshing Workspace is selected.
  • It is recommended to enable this option when there are Zones based on computer OU membership used in your Workspace Control environment.

Do not refresh Workspace after resuming from stand by or hibernate

Specifies that the workspace should not be refreshed if resuming from stand by or hibernate.

Do not refresh Workspace when display properties change

Specifies that the workspace should not be refreshed if, for example, an application changes the display properties when starting up. Normally, a refresh is necessary to reflect these changes.

Do not refresh Workspace when network connectivity changes

Specifies that the workspace should not be refreshed if the user disconnects from the network without using the hibernate or stand by options.

The availability of applications and settings may depend on the session's network connectivity, for example if an application requires a specific connection state. By default, Workspace Control refreshes the user's Workspace if the network connectivity changes, to re-evaluate the connection state and reflect any resulting changes.

Do not refresh Workspace when reconnecting to a session

Specifies that the workspace should not be refreshed if the user reconnects to an existing session on a Terminal Server.

The availability of applications and settings may differ at the new session location, for example as a result of Zones. The default printer may also be different. A refresh is necessary to re-evaluate the location and reflect any resulting changes.

Hide main splash screen at session start, end and refresh

Hides the main Workspace Control splash screen, which is normally shown when a user starts a session, refreshes it, logs off or disconnects. This option is not available when configuring exceptions to the global settings for Workspace Containers; when users start a session, the main splash screen is shown before Workspace Control determines which Workspace Containers apply.

Hide mini splash at application start

Hides the small splash screen, which is normally shown near the Windows notification area, when a user starts a managed application. This option does not affect the mini splash screens for Automation Tasks and LANDesk or Microsoft ConfigMgr actions that may be invoked by starting an application.

Mark window captions red if user has local administrator privileges

Marks title bars if a user is a local administrator.

Maximum number of automatically started applications

Limits the number of applications the user can select in the Workspace Preferences tool to start automatically at the start of a session.

Notify user about new applications

Shows a message to the user when new applications have been installed.

Notify user about not responding applications

Shows a message to the user when applications do not respond.

Notify user about missing default printer

Shows a message to the user when the default printer cannot be found.

Refresh Workspace on USB storage device change

Forces a refresh of the workspace of the user when he plugs a different USB storage device into his computer. This option only functions if a rule for a Zone has been configured based on a USB storage device serial number. It is useful if access or applicability of specific applications and/or settings depends on the availability of such a USB storage device serial number. See Adding and editing rules to a Zone.

Start Menu and Taskbar



Always hide "Sign Out" in Start Menu

Hides or grays out the Start Menu options Sign Out.

Always hide "PowerHelp" in menu

Hides this item in the Start Menu. This option is enabled by default for new Datastore installations of Workspace Control.

Always hide "Workspace Control Access Wizard" in menu

Hides this item in the Start Menu.

Always hide "Workspace Control Console" in menu for other Administrative Roles

Hides this item in the Start Menu for Administrative Roles other than technical manager.

Always hide "Workspace Control Console" in menu for technical managers

Hides this item in the Start Menu for technical managers.

Always hide "Workspace Control Settings" submenu in menu

Hides this item in the Start Menu.

Always hide "Run..." in menu

Hides this item from the Start Menu. The Run command is a quick way to open programs, files, folders, and—when you're connected to the Internet—websites. This option is only available for technical managers.

Always hide "Workspace Preferences" in menu

Hides this item in the Start Menu.

Disable "Shutdown" for all users on all computers

Disables this item from the Start Menu for all users.

Disable "Shutdown" for end users on workstations

Disables this item from the Start Menu for specific users. If Disable "Shutdown" for all users on all computers has been selected, this option will also be selected and it will not be possible to clear it.

Disable Recent Documents History

Disables this option from the Start Menu. Recent Documents shows a list of your recently used files on the right side of the Start menu.

Hide "Clock" on taskbar and in screensaver

Hides this item from the taskbar and the screensaver.

Hide "Disconnect" for end users on terminal servers

  • If selected, this option will be hidden on Terminal Server sessions and on workstations running Microsoft Windows 10 and later.
  • If not selected, the option will be shown on Terminal Server sessions and on workstations running Microsoft Windows 10 and later.
  • The option is never hidden for Technical Managers.

Hide "Exit" in menu and protect "Sign Out" with password

Hides Exit in the Start Menu and prompts the user for a password when selecting Sign Out.

NOTE: If you select this option, please ensure that the option Disable Taskbar Context Menus is cleared (at Desktop Management > Lockdown > Start Menu and Taskbar under Windows Shell only). If both these options are selected, users will not be able to log off.

Hide "Lock desktop" icon in system tray

Hides the icon that is visible by default in the user's system tray. With this button, the user can lock his desktop with one click.

Hide "Show tasklist" icon in system tray

Hides the icon that is visible by default in the user's system tray. With this button, the user can see his active applications and switch between them with one click.

Hide Administrative Tools Menu

Hides this item in Windows Explorer. Administrative Tools is a folder in Control Panel that contains tools for system administrators and advanced users. The tools in the folder might vary depending on which version of Windows you are using.

Hide computername in taskbar popup text

Hides the computer name from the tooltip that is displayed when hovering over the Tasklist icon in the system tray.

Place mouse pointer over Start button after logon

Places the mouse pointer on the Start button on the task bar when the user logs on. This option is disabled by default.

Prohibit access to Control Panel & PC Settings

Selecting this option prevents end-users on Workspace Control Agents from accessing the Windows Control Panel and PC Settings.
Deselecting the option grants end-users access to the Windows Control Panel and PC Settings.

Personalization by end user



Hide "Connect/Disconnect printer" in Printing Preferences

Hides this item in the Printing Preferences tool.

Enable "Find printers" in Printing Preferences

When selected, in a user session, when clicking Connect in the Printing Preferences window, Workspace Control will open the Microsoft Windows Find Printer window to search for and select a network printer from Active Directory.
Only available if Hide "Connect/Disconnect printer" in Printing Preferences is not enabled.

Hide "Change Desktop Colors" in Workspace Preferences (forces default colors)

Hides this item in the Workspace Preferences tool and forces the default desktop colors of Workspace Control in the user's session. If you clear this option, the desktop colors that the user selects in his "Workspace Preferences" tool take precedence over the default colors of Workspace Control. This means that if you change the default desktop colors of Workspace Control in the node Desktop > Background, this will not affect the desktop colors of the user's session.

Hide "Change Desktop Background" in Workspace Preferences (forces default picture)

Hides this item in the Workspace Preferences tool. If not selected, users can select a background picture for their desktop using their Workspace Preferences tool.

Limit "Change Desktop Background" to pre-configured pictures

With this option you can upload pictures and limit the Change Background function in the user's Workspace Preferences tool to this list of pictures.

Hide "Change Password" in Workspace Preferences

Hides this item in the Workspace Preferences tool.

Hide "Do not display my name in the screensaver" in Workspace Preferences

Hides this item in the Workspace Preferences tool.

Hide "QuickLaunch" in Workspace Preferences

Hides this item in the Workspace Preferences tool.

Hide "Select applications to display in Start Menu" in Workspace Preferences

If Hide "Select applications to display in Start Menu" in Workspace Preferences is selected, users cannot determine the contents of their Start Menu. Each user's Start Menu simply shows all the available applications, and the Workspace Preferences tool does not include the Start Menu tab.

Hide "Pin to Start Menu" in Workspace Preferences

Hides this item in the Workspace Preferences tool.

Hide "Startup" in Workspace Preferences

Hides this item in the Workspace Preferences tool.

Hide "Swap left and right mouse button" in Workspace Preferences

Hides this item in the Workspace Preferences tool.

Hide advanced options in Printing Preferences

Hides this item for all users in the Printing Preferences tool.

Limit Workspace Preferences to "Change Password" and "Change Desktop Colors"

Removes all other options from the Workspace Preferences tool.

Never hide client printers in Printing Preferences

When selected, locally configured client printers are displayed in the Printing Preferences tool in the user's session.

Windows Explorer



Disable Add/Remove Programs

Disables this item in Windows Explorer.

Disable Control Panel

Disables this item in Windows Explorer. You can use Control Panel to change settings for Windows. These settings control nearly everything about how Windows looks and works.

Disable Context Menu on Desktop and in Windows Explorer

Disables all menus that are displayed when right-clicking an item on the desktop and in Windows Explorer.

Enable classic context menu in Windows Explorer

Replaces the Windows 11 context menu with the classic Windows 10 context menu in the Windows Explorer.

Enable compact mode in Windows Explorer

Enables Compact view in the Windows Explorer. This decreases the space between items shown in the Explorer.

Hide Computer Management Option

Hides this item in Windows Explorer. Using Computer Management, you can perform many tasks, such as monitoring system events, configuring hard disks, and managing system performance.

Hide Control panel, Printer and Network Settings

Hides these items in Windows Explorer.

Hide Internet Explorer Icon

Hides this icon in Windows Explorer.

Hide My Computer Icon

Hides this icon in Windows Explorer.

Hide My Documents Icon

Hides this icon in Windows Explorer.

Hide My Network Places Icon

Hides this icon in Windows Explorer.

Hide Recycle Bin Icon

Hides this icon in Windows Explorer. Even when the Recycle Bin is hidden, deleted files are still stored there temporarily until you choose to permanently delete them or recover them.

Open File Explorer to This PC

Configure This PC as the default location when opening the Windows File Explorer.

Remove Map and Disconnect Network Drive Options

Removes this option in Windows Explorer. A network drive is a file folder located on a remote computer that has been configured for sharing over a LAN.

Remove "Open with..." context menu in Windows Explorer

Removes the option Open with if the user right-clicks a file in Windows Explorer. If you double-click a file in Windows and it opens in the wrong software program, you can choose the program you would prefer to use by selecting the Open with option.

Remove Properties from the Recycle Bin context menu

Removes the Properties option from the Windows Recycle Bin.

Remove Properties from My computer

Removes this option in Windows Explorer. You can view a summary of important information about your computer by opening System in Control Panel. You can see basic hardware information, such as your computer's name, and you can change important system settings by clicking the links in the left pane of System

Show This PC icon on the Desktop

Configure the This PC icon to be visible on the Windows Desktop.

Show User's Files icon on the Desktop

Configure the User's Files icon to be visible on the Windows Desktop.

Microsoft Windows Shell



Align the Taskbar to the left

Aligns the Windows taskbar items to the left of the taskbar.

Automatically Place Applications in Programs Menu

Automatically places all application icons in the Programs menu instead of in submenus.

Disable Drag-and-Drop on the Start Menu

Disables the dragging-and-dropping of Start Menu items.

Disable Search programs and Control Panel

Disables this option in the Start Menu. Prevents search from listing programs and Control Panel items. (i.e. limits the results to files and folders)

Disable Taskbar Context Menus

Disables the context menu of the Taskbar.

If you select this option, please ensure that the option Hide "Exit" in menu and protect "Log off" with password is cleared. If both these options are selected, users will not be able to log off.

Enable Ivanti Start Menu

The Ivanti Start Menu is used instead of the Windows Start Menu.

When the Enable Ivanti Start Menu option is selected, all taskbar items are aligned to the left of the taskbar, regardless if the Align the Taskbar to the left option is selected or not.

Allow user to toggle Windows 8.1 Start Menu in Workspace Preferences

When enabled, the option Show Windows 8.1 Start Menu will become available in the users' Workspace Preferences, on the Options tab, allowing users to enable or disable the Start Menu.

Go to the desktop instead of Windows 8 Start screen after logon

In Windows 8, when logging on, users get the Windows 8 Start screen instead of the more familiar desktop. With this option, you can select that users by default go to the desktop instead of the Windows 8 Start screen when logging on.

Allow user to choose between desktop or Windows 8 Start screen in Workspace Preferences

When enabled, the option Go to the desktop instead of Start screen after logon will become available in the Workspace Preferences tool, on the Options tab, allowing users to enable or disable going to the desktop when logging on.

Force "Classic Start Menu"

Forces the Classic look.

Hide Action center from the Taskbar

Hides the Action Center from the Taskbar. Action Center lists important messages about security and maintenance settings that need your attention.

Hide desktop icons during session start and session refresh

Shows an empty desktop until all icons are in their correct locations. This eliminates the effect of shifting desktop icons, but it also means that end users cannot start any applications from their desktop until the process has finished.

Hide news and interests on the taskbar

Hides the News and Interests taskbar widget from the Windows taskbar.

Hide Taskbar Settings on the Start Menu

Hides these settings on the Start Menu.

Remove Active Desktop Options from the Settings Menu

Removes these options from the Start Menu. Active Desktop allows the user to add HTML content to the desktop. (Internet Explorer 4.0 to 6.x)

Remove Downloads from the Start Menu

Removes this option from the Start Menu. The Downloads folder is the default folder in which downloaded files are stored.

Remove Games from the Start Menu

Removes this option from the Start Menu. The Games folder is the central repository for games which also offers updates, statistics and news feeds for games.

Remove Help Option from the Start Menu

Removes this option from the Start Menu. Windows Help is the built-in help system for Microsoft Windows.

Remove HomeGroup from the Start Menu

Removes this option from the Start Menu. HomeGroup makes it easy to share libraries and printers on a home network.

Remove My Documents from the Start Menu

Removes this option from the Start Menu. My Documents is the central repository for the user's documents.

Remove My Favorites from the Start Menu

Removes this option from the Start Menu. Favorites are links to websites that are frequently visited

Remove My Music from the Start Menu

Removes this option from the Start Menu. My Music is the central repository for the user's music.

Remove My Network Places from the Start Menu

Removes this option from the Start Menu. My Network Places displays shortcuts to shared computers, printers, and other resources on the network.

Remove My Pictures from the Start Menu

Removes this option from the Start Menu. My Pictures is the central repository for the user's pictures.

Remove Network Connections from the Start Menu

Removes this option from the Start Menu. Network Connections provides connectivity between your computer and the Internet, a network, or another computer. Connections are created, configured, stored, and monitored from within the Network Connections folder.

Remove Personal Folder from the Start Menu

Removes this option from the Start Menu. The Personal folder contains all the user personal folders and libraries.

Remove Recent Documents from the Start Menu

Removes this option from the Start Menu. Recent documents is a list of recently used files on the right side of the Start Menu

Remove Recorded TV from the Start Menu

Removes this option from the Start Menu. Recorded TV is the default public library where tv recordings are stored.

Remove Search link from the Start Menu

Removes this option from the Start Menu. Search allows you to search for files and folders, printers, people, and other computers on your network.

Remove Set Program Access and Defaults from the Start Menu

Removes this option from the Start Menu. This option specifies default programs for certain activities, such as Web browsing or sending e-mail, and which programs are accessible from the Start menu, Desktop and other locations.

Remove Start Banner on the Taskbar

Removes the Click here to begin banner from the Taskbar.

Remove Videos from the Start menu

Removes this Library from the Start Menu. The Videos library is used to organize and arrange videos.

Remove Windows Security on Start Menu (Terminal Server)

Removes this option from the Start Menu. This option allows access to the Windows NT Security menu.

Restrict Changes to Active Desktop Settings

Prevents changes from being made to the Active Desktop settings. Active Desktop allows the user to add HTML content to the desktop. (Internet Explorer 4.0 to 6.x)

Unpin Chat from the Taskbar

Removes the Chat icon from the Windows taskbar.

Unpin Search from the Taskbar

Hides the Search bar from the Windows taskbar.

Unpin Task view from the Taskbar

Hides the Task View button from the Windows taskbar.

Unpin Widgets from the Taskbar

Hides the Widgets panel from the Windows taskbar.

Use high quality default icons instead of custom icons (Windows Vista or later)

In Microsoft Windows Workspace Control automatically uses the high-quality icons contained in the application executables whenever an application is configured to use the default icon. Check this option to do this for custom icons as well.
Note that after an upgrade from a version prior to RES PowerFuse 2010, all icons (including the original default icons) will be treated as custom icons.

Use Personalized Menus

Allows the use of personalized menus. In a personalized menu, menu items that you have used infrequently are hidden. With an arrow at the bottom a cascade menu is opened that shows you these items.

Workspace Control Shell



Display "Menu" instead of "Start" on Workspace Control Shell taskbar

Renames the Start button to Menu.

Display AM/PM in clock on Workspace Control Shell taskbar

Changes the time format from 24-hour clock to 12-hour clock.

Disable single-click on Workspace Control Shell desktop

Disables the possibility to open items on the desktop using a single click.

Do not show blinking time in Workspace Control Shell

Disables the blinking colon in the time display.

Do not show welcome message after log on

Disables the welcome message that is normally shown when users start a session. This option is enabled by default for new Datastore installations of Workspace Control.

Force Microsoft Office Excel to show open workbooks on Workspace Control Shell taskbar

Forces Microsoft Office Excel to show all open workbooks in the taskbar in separate buttons instead of grouping them.

Force Taskbar on top of full-screen applications

Forces the Taskbar on top of a full-screen application in sessions that use the Workspace Control shell.

Hide "Start" button on Workspace Control Shell taskbar

Hides the Start button. This is useful if Workspace Control runs in a kiosk or as a Web Portal.

Protect "Emergency Exit" with password

The user can access the emergency exit by double-clicking the upper-right corner of his desktop:

This allows a user to leave a session immediately,

Show battery state on Workspace Control Shell taskbar

Shows the battery state on the taskbar. The remaining time of the battery will be shown in a tooltip text (if the laptop is using its battery). The battery state will only be shown if a battery is detected by Workspace Control. This option is disabled by default.

Show "Hibernate" in "Exit" dialog on workstations

Adds this option to the Exit dialog on workstations. It saves an image of the user's desktop with all open files and documents, before shutting down the computer. When the user starts the computer again, his files and documents will be on his desktop exactly as when he left them. This option does not apply to Terminal Servers.

Show "Restart" in "Exit" dialog on workstations

Adds this option to the Exit dialog on workstations. It allows the user to end his session, shut down his computer and then restart it again. This option does not apply to Terminal Servers.

Show "Stand by" in "Exit" dialog on workstations

Adds this option to the Exit dialog on workstations. It reduces the power consumption of a computer by cutting power to hardware components that are not in use. This allows the user to maintain his session, while keeping his computer running on low power with data still in memory. This option does not apply to Terminal Servers.

Use Unicode Font to display window captions on Workspace Control Shell taskbar

Uses Unicode Font instead of non-ANSI characters (e.g. Japanese) in windows captions. This option is useful if window captions of application are not shown correctly in the Workspace Control taskbar, but requires the availability of the Unicode font on the target computer.