This section describes the settings available from the Edit Application window > Properties > Shortcuts.
Automatic shortcuts
Workspace Control can manage application shortcuts in user sessions running on Microsoft Windows.
Consider the following Microsoft Windows limitations when configuring Automatic shortcuts:
To create the name of an application shortcut, the application title and its Start Menu path are used. This name may not exceed 255 characters. Windows cannot handle application shortcut names that are longer than 255 characters, which result in an application shortcut that does not work properly.
Due to Windows limitations, multiple explorer.exe shortcuts with different parameters that are pinned to the taskbar do not stack on the proper taskbar icon.

Check this setting to ensure that the user's Workspace contains only managed shortcuts and no unmanaged shortcuts to the same application. This setting takes effects only if the Windows Shell shortcut creation option (see Applications) is set to Merge with unmanaged application shortcuts.
Default: Unchecked

Check this setting to include the application into the user's Start Menu, and to allow users from adding the application shortcut to their Start Menu using the Workspace Preferences tool.
Uncheck this option to exclude the application from the user's Start Menu, and to prevent users from adding the application shortcut to their Start Menu using the Workspace Preferences tool.
If the application is pinned to the Start Menu on Microsoft Windows 10, it is strongly recommended to check this option.
Default: Checked

Check this setting to display multiple shortcuts for the same executable in the Start Menu. This is useful when including, for example, multiple shortcuts to a web browser and every shortcut points to a different URL.
This setting must be checked on all shortcuts for the same executable.
Checking this setting can cause non-default Windows behavior regarding taskbar pinned items.
This option addresses the same issue as the CustomAppUserModelIDs.xml file.
Default: Unchecked

Configure this setting to determine Workspace Control behavior when the application was not started through its managed shortcut (for example, the user started the application by launching the application directly from its executable).
Select Intercept new process and apply configuration to treat the new process like a managed application and apply:
User Settings
Drive and Port Mappings
Drive Substitutes
Folder Synchronization
User Home Directory
User Profile directory
User Registry/Policy
Execute Command
Automation Tasks
Environment Variables
E-mail Settings
Data Sources
Application Notification (only for enabled Applications)
Select Ignore to leave the process unmanaged. The following limitations apply:
This setting is not supported for virtualized applications such as Microsoft App-V and VMware ThinApp.
If multiple unmanaged applications are intercepted, they are processed sequentially, not yet asynchronously.
If any of the following items are configured for the managed application, they are ignored when starting the unmanaged application:
Application is disabled
Time restrictions
Seat Licensing
Concurrent Licensing
Memory Optimization limits
Maximum Instances
Required Connection States
Dynamic privileges
The If managed shortcut was not used setting can be also configured by right-clicking on the application and then selecting Quick Edit > Properties > Intercept.
The Workspace Composer can also intercept unmanaged Citrix published applications and apply managed configuration. Under Administration > Agents, the option Run Workspace Composer can be set to Automatic for servers running Citrix XenApp. If an unmanaged Citrix published application is started, it is always launched by the Workspace Composer.
However, if there is a managed application that uses the same process and it has option If managed shortcut was not used set to Intercept new process and apply configuration, it is intercepted. If such a managed application is not present, the unmanaged Citrix published application is launched without further intervention.
The option Run (installation) using Dynamic Privileges can be combined with the Intercept new process and apply configuration option for unmanaged applications. This means that, once the process has been intercepted and is allowed to start, and the application needs elevated privileges (for the user to install the software or for a command to be executed), these are applied on the started application. For more details, see Dynamic Privileges or Configure User Installed Applications.
If an intercepted application is not allowed to start, for example due to License or Opening hours restrictions, it is terminated.
Default: Intercept new process and apply configuration

Configure this setting to determine the automatic placement of managed applications to the user's Start Menu. For example, this allows to create mandatory applications in the user's Start Menu. Using the Workspace Preferences tool, users can pin and unpin their non-mandatory application shortcuts.
Select Take no action to not have application shortcuts automatically created in the Start Menu.
Select Set voluntary shortcut to automatically create Start Menu application shortcuts. The shortcuts are created only once and users can remove or re-add them.
If the setting changes to Take no action, and the user previously removed the voluntary shortcut, the shortcut is not re-added to their Start Menu.
If the setting changes to Take no action, and the user kept the voluntary shortcut, the shortcut remains present in their Start Menu.
Select Set mandatory shortcut to automatically create Start Menu application shortcuts each time users start a new Workspace Control session.
If the setting changes to Take no action, the application shortcut is removed from the Start Menu.
Default: Take no action

Configure this setting to determine the automatic placement of managed applications to the user's desktop. For example, this allows to create mandatory applications on the user's desktop. Using the Workspace Preferences tool, users can pin and unpin their non-mandatory application shortcuts.
Select Take no action to not have application shortcuts automatically created on the desktop.
Select Set voluntary shortcut to automatically create desktop application shortcuts. The shortcuts are created only once and users can remove or re-add them.
If the setting changes to Take no action, and the user previously removed the voluntary shortcut, the shortcut is not re-added to their desktop.
If the setting changes to Take no action, and the user kept the voluntary shortcut, the shortcut remains present on their desktop.
Select Set mandatory shortcut to automatically create desktop application shortcuts each time users start a new Workspace Control session.
If the setting changes to Take no action, the application shortcut is removed from the desktop.
Default: Take no action

Configure this setting to determine the automatic placement of managed applications to the user's taskbar. For example, this allows to create mandatory applications on the user's taskbar. Using the Workspace Preferences tool, users can pin and unpin their non-mandatory application shortcuts.
Select Take no action to not have application shortcuts automatically created on the desktop.
Select Set voluntary shortcut to automatically create taskbar application shortcuts. The shortcuts are created only once and users can remove or re-add them.
If the setting changes to Take no action, and the user previously removed the voluntary shortcut, the shortcut is not re-added to their taskbar.
If the setting changes to Take no action, and the user kept the voluntary shortcut, the shortcut remains present on their taskbar.
Select Set mandatory shortcut to automatically create taskbar application shortcuts each time users start a new Workspace Control session.
If the setting changes to Take no action, the application shortcut is removed from the taskbar.
Default: Take no action
Workspace Control can manage application tiles in user sessions running on Microsoft Windows.
The tile properties are part of the Managed Applications Properties that are set when a session starts.

Configure this setting to determine the automatic placement of application tiles on the user's Start Screen.
Select Take no action to not have application tile automatically pinned to the Start Screen.
Select Set voluntary tile to automatically pin Start Screen application tiles. The tiles are pinned only once and users can remove or re-add them. The tiles are displayed at the end of the Start Screen unless the Group name option is configured.
If the setting changes to Take no action, and the user previously removed the voluntary tile, the tile is not re-added to their Start Screen.
If the setting changes to Take no action, and the user kept the voluntary tile, the tile remains pinned to their Start Screen.
Select Set mandatory tile to automatically pin Start Screen application tiles each time users start a new Workspace Control session. The tiles are displayed at the end of the Start Screen unless the Group name option is configured.
If the setting changes to Take no action, the application tile is removed from the Start Screen.
Default: Take no action

Configure this settings to determine the size of the application tiles pinned to the user's Start Screen.
Select Medium to display the tile as a medium sized square on the Start screen.
Select Small to display the tile as a small sized square on the Start screen.
To be able to configure the setting, the Pin to Start setting must be first set to either Set voluntary tile or to Set mandatory tile.
If users change the size of a mandatory pinned application tile, but leaves it in its original group, then the changed size is maintained.
Default: Medium
Group Name
Configure this setting to specify the tile group where to add the application tile on the Start Screen. If the tile group does not exist, it is created.
The tiles are displayed at the end of the Start Screen unless the Group name option is configured.