At Composition > Actions By Type > LANDesk, you can view and configure LANDesk software distributions. This allows you to deploy software in the user workspace.

You can only configure LANDesk software distributions if you have enabled LANDesk in the Setup menu and are connected to a MBSDK Web Service.

Software distribution Configuration

To add a software distribution that should run when a session starts, go to Composition > Actions By Type > LANDesk.

  • You can override the global settings of this feature for specific Workspace Containers.

Configuring software distributions for Applications

To add a software distribution that should run when an application starts, open the application at Composition > Applications and go to Configuration > Actions. Configuring these software distributions is the same as on global level.

  • If the Wait for action to finish before continuing has been enabled for a software distribution on an application, a notification is displayed in the user session if a user starts the application and the Package is deployed. This notification window allows the user to select Dismiss and notify me when done which allows the user to continue working with already available applications while the Package is deployed.

You can easily move Actions from one application to another; from an application to global; and from global to a specific application. To do so, right-click one or more selected Actions and choose Move.