User Registry

With the User Registry technology it is possible is to set up registry keys and policies for (groups of) users, based on their specific situations and needs. For example, it is possible to set registry settings based on the selection of the user's Workspace Control language.

Registry keys (HKEY_CURRENT_USER) can be imported and exported, which facilitates entering or changing registry keys. If you select the Run once option when implementing a registry setting, it will only be applied the first time a user logs on.

Documentation on registry keys can be found at various locations. Registry keys changing Windows settings can be found in the Windows Resource Kit. Documentation on application registry settings may be harder to find, since not all applications provide documentation regarding registry settings. Contact the application vendor for more information.


User Registry also supports Windows policy files (.adm) in the registry section. When adding a new policy template, first select a policy file to base the template on.

Where to find User Registry

The User Registry feature is found in the Workspace Control Console, under:

  • Composition > Actions By Type > User Registry.

  • Composition > Actions By Event > At Logon. Select New > User Registry Setting or User Registry Policy.

  • Composition > Applications. Open an application and navigate to Configuration > Actions.