Editing Application Configuration Profiles

To manage Wavelink Terminal Emulation or Velocity Clients on Smart devices, create payloads for host profiles, SSL certificates, or emulation parameters and then associate those payloads with an application configuration profile. For many types of payloads, you can have multiple payloads of the same type in the same profile.

In order to apply the settings in the payloads, you must apply the profile to a folder and then deploy the settings. The next time that the device connects, it will download the payloads and apply the settings.

If the device is not enrolled in Avalanche, you can use a QR code to download the settings from the Avalanche server without enrolling the device. For information on using an application configuration profile with an unenrolled device, see Configuring Software on Unenrolled Smart Devices.

Some selection criteria are built in to the payloads. For example, some settings are dependent on the OS the device is running. When a profile is applied, you can use additional selection criteria to determine which devices will receive the payload. Payloads are not associated with a specific folder in your company. Each payload created is available to any folder in the company.

For information about the payload types associated with application configuration profiles, see the following sections:

TE SSL Certificate Payload (Android)

TE Emulation Settings Configuration Payload (Android/iOS)

TE Host Profile Configuration Payload (Android/iOS)

Velocity Host Profile Payload (Android)

Velocity Configuration Settings Payload (Android)

To edit an application configuration profile from the Profiles tab:

1  In the Available Profiles panel, click the name of the profile you want to edit.

2  The Application Configuration Profile dialog box appears. Click Edit.

3  To add a payload to the profile, enable the checkbox or radio button next to the name of the payload.

4  Click Save.


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