Exchange/ActiveSync Payload (Samsung SAFE) (Android)

An Exchange / ActiveSync (Samsung SAFE) payload allows you to configure a SAFE-enabled device to connect to an Exchange server. If an Exchange / ActiveSync payload has already been installed on the device, in order to change the settings, you must remove the existing payload and then install the new payload.

An Exchange / ActiveSync (Samsung SAFE) payload has the following options:

Payload Name

The name of the payload.

Exchange ActiveSync Host

The domain name or address of the Microsoft Exchange Server.


The domain for the account.


The name of the user associated with the account. This field is optional to allow multiple users to specify individual account credentials.

Email Address

The email address associated with the account. This field is optional to allow multiple users to specify individual account credentials.


The password for the account. This field is optional to allow multiple users to specify individual account credentials.


After deploying the payload to Samsung SAFE devices, some setup at the device level is required.

To finalize email setup on the device:

1  From the receiving device, launch the Avalanche app and tap Sync.

Once the sync completes, an alert appears at the top of the device stating final setup of the Exchange account is needed.

2  Tap the notification from Avalanche.

3  Review the email account settings and fill out your email credentials as needed.

4  Tap Continue to accept the email settings.

5  Tap Continue to validate the email.

6  An alert appears, stating new email account information was received.

7  Tap the New email account notification.

The email account validates and launches the email app.

8  Enable any permission changes needed for the email exchange to occur.

The email inbox syncs with your mail server and populates will all recent emails.


This page refers to an older version of the product.
View the current version of the User Guide.

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