Link Payload (Android/iOS)

A Link payload makes links to websites available to a device user, either on the home screen or through the LANDesk Portal app. It also allows you to specify whether the link is opened with the Portal application or the default browser on the device. This payload works for both Android and iOS devices.

A Link payload has the following options:

Payload Name

The name of the payload.


The name to display for the link.


A URL that points to the website.


The icon that represents the link.

Precomposed icon

When this option is enabled, the device will not add a reflective shine to the icon.

Full screen

When this option is enabled, the page will load fullscreen, without displaying browser controls.


Deployment options for the link.

Automatically push to device displays the link icon on the device's home screen.

Display this option in corporate portal displays the link on the Links screen of the LANDesk Portal app.

Destination folder

If the link is displayed in the LANDesk Portal, use the Change button to choose the folder it is displayed in.

Open with

Specifies whether to open the page with the LANDesk Portal app or the device's default browser.


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