Avalanche powered by Wavelink


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View the current version of the User Guide.

Running the Avalanche Installer

The Avalanche installer is designed to include all components of the service, including the Web Console, device servers, Certificate Manager, and Remote Control server. This installer allows you to create all services on the same computer through one installation process. If you want to install the device servers on separate computers, see Installing Device Servers.

Avalanche installs its own JRE and changes the JRE_HOME system variable. If you have a JRE already installed, it is not affected by Avalanche. However, any program using the JRE_HOME variable will be redirected to use the Avalanche JRE.

Do not install Avalanche 6.2 on any machines currently running LANDESK Management Suite or Mobility Manager. This will prevent integration between applications.

To install Avalanche:

1.Double-click the Avalanche installer.

2.Select a language and click OK.

3.Review the Pre-Install checklist; then click Next to continue.

4.Read the license agreement, click I accept the agreement, and click Next.

5.Browse to your preferred installation destination directory and click Next.

6.Select your desired installation type and click Next. If you are performing an upgrade, you will also need to select the database server that contains your existing product data.

7.Select which components you want included on the installation and click Next.

8.If you are upgrading, enter the PostgreSQL server credentials and click Next.

9.Enter the SQL Server credentials and click Next. The Main DB Name defaults to Avalanche and the Stats DB Name to AvaStats. If you use a named instance instead of the default MSSQLSERVER instance, select the check box for Use Named Instance and enter the name of your custom instance.

The Hostname is the IP address or hostname of the machine running SQL Server. The username and password were set during the Microsoft SQL Server installation process. The port used by Avalanche is 1433.

10.Click Yes to create the Enterprise Server and Statistics Server databases.

11.Click Next to accept the default shortcut location, or modify it as desired.

12.Click Next to accept the configuration information for the Central Web File Server.

13.Review your selected configuration information, and click Next to begin the installation.

14.Read the information about he encryption key, click Acknowledge, and click Next.

15.Click Finish to complete the installation.

This page refers to an older version of the product.
View the current version of the User Guide.

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