Avalanche powered by Wavelink


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View the current version of the User Guide.

Using Remote Control

Remote control any connected device from the Avalanche Console with the press of a button. Avalanche integrates Smart Device Remote Control for Android devices and Avalanche Remote Control for Windows Mobile/CE (AIDC) and Samsung SAFE devices.

To use Smart Device Remote Control with Android devices, the device must have the platform service and streamer installed and licensed.

To use Remote Control with AIDC devices, the device must have a Remote Control package installed and licensed.

To use Remote Control with Android and Samsung SAFE devices, the server properties must be configured to enable Avalanche Remote Control.

See the following sections for information about enabling remote control:

Remote Control for Android Devices

Remote Control for Windows Mobile/CE (AIDC) Devices

Enabling RC for Samsung SAFE Devices

This page refers to an older version of the product.
View the current version of the User Guide.

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