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Restrictions Payload (Android/iOS)

A restrictions payload disables specific applications or functionality on the device. Each device can only use one restrictions payload. If there is more than one restrictions payload applied to the folder the device is in, only the payload with the highest priority will be sent to the device. You can view the payloads that have been sent to the device by viewing device details.

When you are using a restrictions payload, ensure you are not locking down functionality that is required for other operations. For example, watch for the following scenarios:

Do not block the Settings application if you are using a passcode payload, since the user needs to access Settings in order to set or change a passcode.

Ensure software payloads have been distributed and the desired apps have been installed on the device before you disallow installing apps.

Ensure your whitelisted apps are installed on the device before you apply a payload to enable whitelisting.

A Restrictions payload for Android offers the following options:

ClosedDevice Functionality


ClosedSamsung SAFE Restrictions

ClosedApp Lists

ClosedSAFE App Permission Control

ClosedSAFE Permission Blacklist

ClosedKiosk Mode

A Restrictions payload for iOS offers the following options:

ClosedDevice Functionality


ClosedContent Ratings

ClosedKiosk Mode (Supervised device only)


ClosedSecurity and Privacy

For some of the options in a restrictions payload for iOS, the device must be manually configured to be in Supervised mode using Apple Configurator. For information on Supervised mode, see your Apple documentation.

This page refers to an older version of the product.
View the current version of the User Guide.

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