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Software Payloads (Android/iOS)

Software payloads allow you to distribute apps to devices. The payload sends the app information and location to the devices for installation.

Distribute an app hosted on the Google Play store by pointing to a URL where the .apk or .ipa file is hosted, or host the application files through Avalanche. When the app is in the app store, the device displays the page where the user can download and install the app. When the app is an enterprise application, the device downloads the file from a specified location and begins installing the app.

You can create a new software payload that overwrites any previously-existing payloads for the same software. It will remove the old version and install the new application version, but without impacting existing configurations.

A software payload for Android devices may have the following options, depending on where the app is hosted:

Payload name

The name of the payload.

Software hosting

The location hosting the software. If the app is available through the Google Play store, select Google Play store. If the app is available through a URL or is stored on the Central File Store, select Manifest URL.

Silent app deployment to Samsung SAFE devices does not support Google Play apps and can only be performed using the Manifest URL option.


The URL for the application in the Google Play store. Click Search to perform a search of the Play store. This field is only available when the software hosting is set to Google Play Store.

Manifest URL

The URL for the app file. The file must be in .apk format. This field is only available when the software hosting is set to Manifest URL.

You can search for a specific manifest URL by clicking the search icon. This displays all hosted .apk files on the Central File Store. Click the file you want to use and click Select. Once selected, the app data will populate the Package ID and Package Version fields.

Package ID

The name for the application, also known as the bundle ID or package name. For a custom app, the developer can tell you what the package ID is. As an example, the package ID for Google Maps is:


This field is only available when the software hosting is set to Manifest URL.

Package Version

The version of the package. This field is only available when the software hosting is set to Manifest URL.

This page refers to an older version of the product.
View the current version of the User Guide.

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