Activating Licenses
When you activate Avalanche licenses, your licenses are verified and the License Server can then distribute them to the wireless devices on your network.
For other Ivanti products (such as Remote Control) used in conjunction with Avalanche, use the same activation method (from the Avalanche Console) that you use for Avalanche. You can activate these product licenses automatically, or if you have a wavelink.lic file from an older installation, contact Ivanti Support to exchange the license.
If Avalanche is on a system that has internet access, you can use automatic license activation. With this method, Avalanche automatically connects with a secure Ivanti web server to verify your license.
If you have a license file provided by Ivanti or have problems with the automatic activation, activate your license manually. To activate a license manually, use the Ivanti activation web site to generate a license file, and then import the license using the Avalanche Console.
1.Obtain the Avalanche product licensing code from Ivanti. You receive this information in an email upon purchasing Avalanche.
2.From the Web Console, click Tools > Support and Licensing.
3.In the Installed Licenses panel, click Add License.
The Add License dialog box appears.
4.Select the Activation key option and type the product license in the Activation Key text box.
5.Click Save.
Avalanche connects with a secure Ivanti web server and your license is verified. The details of the new license appear in the Installed Licenses panel.
1.Gather the following information:
•Node lock for the system. To find the node lock, open the Web Console and click Tools > Support and Licensing. The nodelock is listed above the Installed Licenses panel as Node Lock [XXXXXXXX].
•Product license code. This information comes from the email you receive from Ivanti when you purchase Avalanche.
2.Open a Web browser, and navigate to
3.Enter the Hardware Node Lock and the License Key in the text boxes.
4.Click Activate button to activate license.
The Ivanti activation server verifies the information that you entered and provides you a link to download a wavelink.lic file if your node lock and license key are valid.
5.Click on the link and change the Save As type to All Files.
6.Download the file to your desired location.
7.Move the wavelink.lic file to the computer with Avalanche installed.
If you have a wavelink.lic file from an older installation, you must contact Ivanti Support to reissue the license before you can import it into Avalanche 6.0 or newer.
8.From the Web Console, click Tools > Support and Licensing.
9.In the Installed Licenses panel, click Add License.
The Add License dialog box appears.
10.Select the License File option and then click the Import button that appears.
11.In the Open dialog box, navigate to the license file and click Open. The license file is installed.
12.Click Save to save the licenses to your system.
The licenses are imported and displayed in the Installed Licenses panel.
When an Avalanche subscription license is activated, it will create two entries in the installed licenses table: one for mobile device servers and smart device servers, and one for Remote Control.