APN Payload

The APN payload allows you to specify the carrier access point that Panasonic and Zebra devices should use to connect to a cellular network. You can only have one APN payload on a device at a time.

The payload name and APN are required. Other settings may be optional depending on the carrier.

The APN payload configures the APN for the data connection. It does not change the APN settings for MMS.

Android devices

Payload Name

The name of the payload.

Display Name

The name the device shows for these settings.

Access Point Name (APN)

The name of the carrier access point. For example, epc.t-mobile.com.

Mobile Country Code (MCC)

The carrier's mobile country code. For example, 310 for the United States.

Mobile Network Code (MNC)

The carrier's mobile network code. For example, 530 for Sprint.


The username for connecting to the access point.


The password for connecting to the access point.

Active APN settings

Sets the payload's APN settings as active on the device, unless overridden by the user.

iOS devices

Payload Name

The name of the payload.

Access Point Name (APN)

The access point name the device should use for a cellular connection.


The username for authenticating to the access point.


The password for authenticating to the access point.

Proxy server and port

The address and port of the proxy server.

Authentication Type (iOS 7.0+)

The type of authentication to use when connecting to the access point.