Configuring Software Packages for Delayed Installation

Software packages can be configured to install on a delayed basis. Delayed packages are downloaded to the mobile device just like any other package, but do not get installed on the device until the configured activation time. For applicable devices, the downloaded packages are stored in persistent storage and can survive a cold boot.

To configure a software package for delayed installation

1.From the Profiles tab, click the name of the software profile with the package you want to configure.
The Software Profile Details page appears.

2.In the Software Packages panel, click the name of the package you want to configure.
The Software Package Details page appears.

3.Click Edit.

4.Configure the installation options as desired:

If you want to delay package activation until a specific date and time, enable the Install date option, click on the calendar button to select a date, and type the time in the provided text box.

To further delay the package installation after it has been activated, enable and configure the Install delay option. This will delay the installation of the package after it has been downloaded.

If you want the package to be activated during a certain time window, enable the Install window option and configure the hours during which the package will activate.

If you want the device user to have the option to override the software package installation delay, enable the Allow device user to install on demand check box. When this option is selected, the user will be able to install the package as soon as it is downloaded.

If you want to use the device for proxy package distribution, use the Use mobile device for proxy distribution of this package option. For more information on this option, see Peer-to-Peer Package Distribution.

5.Save your changes.